Cyprus, Priestesses, and Mystery School Teachings
At the end of October, I had the incredible opportunity to visit Cyprus for a retreat with Mary Magdalene’s... Continue ReadingAt the end of October, I had the incredible opportunity to visit Cyprus for a retreat with Mary Magdalene’s Mystery School. It was by far the best retreat I’ve experienced for so many reasons.
First, why attend a spiritual retreat? Personally, I seek out retreat opportunities that provide an immersion in the high frequency energies of the location. That’s why you hear of so many people wanting to visit Sedona and Mt. Shasta in the U.S., Machu Pichu in Peru, Glastonbury in the UK, the pyramids in Egypt, and Uluru in Australia. These sites are energy vortexes where the veils between this world and the higher realms are thinner. As a result, one is more likely to experience openings or awakenings that they might not otherwise have.
So why Cyprus? Through channeled messages Anna & Petra, founders of Mary Magdalene’s School, learned that Mary Magdalene held yearly gatherings on Cyprus at Joseph of Arimathea’s estate. It was there that she could express her authentic voice to her Family of Love. Through her pure transmissions in these annual gatherings, she brought Wisdom to the earthly realm. This was where her secret teachings on Oneness & Peace were preserved within the Hearts of the Soul Family and in the very Soul of Cyprus. During the final gathering on Cyprus, around year 38 CE, Mary Magdalene expressed a pivotal message on Love and Oneness. This is an excerpt from her final words:
“When we all meet again, perhaps in other lives with other faces, we will recognize this golden energy and know that we have connected again with the great Family of Love.”
Which leads to the second reason I love to attend spiritual retreats – the opportunity to connect and reconnect with Soul Family. I spend so much of my time at home interacting with friends and colleagues around the world via Zoom. In the deep work we’re doing together, we develop very close bonds. But it’s just not the same as being together in person to embrace each other and connect in an even deeper way. Many of us, in fact, believe we have been together in previous lifetimes and have been called back together for a sacred purpose.
We are being asked now to support Mother Earth and all her Creation. As Mother Earth purifies herself with the help of her children, and humanity remembers Oneness Consciousness, we will all together move into the anticipated Age of Light. As we remember our divine heritage, and we move out of personality-based creation, which creates karma, we remember soul co-creation. Perhaps most importantly, we start to remember the place inside of ourselves where we are One with Source.
But there’s more. If you’ve been following my blog posts, you might recall that I’ve been very drawn to the Priestess Path. After learning of the Rise of the Divine Feminine and it’s potential to impact the lives of women and men in an extraordinary way, I felt drawn to learn more about the Priestesses and Temples of Ancient Egypt. Could they, and Mary Magdalene, hold a key to the “re-powerment” of women on the planet today? The answer I discovered is most assuredly, YES! Through some personal healing work, I saw that part of my sacred mission is to restore what was lost in ancient times when the patriarchy dishonored the feminine and desecrated all they held sacred.
While in Cyprus, I co-officiated a ceremony at the Hathor Temple, which was a profound experience for all of our retreat family. Much healing occurred at many levels as we remembered and reconnected with our ancient lineage. This experience, and all of the rich experiences of the retreat, solidified the belief that we must come together regularly to be nourished, supported, and then sent out to do the work for which we’ve come.
So how does one spend 10 days in this sacred container and then land back in Greenville, South Carolina? Back to life as usual? Well, it’s not life as usual. For one cannot possibly engage in this type of work without being completely transformed.
What is clear to me is that Restoring the Temple is an invitation to each of us to Restore the Sacredness of our Body Temple. To remember our Divinity. That we are so much more than flesh and bones. We are Divinity in a body having a 3-D experience. And the Rising Consciousness on the planet is our opportunity to draw back the veil of what we have come to believe separates us from our True Self and Source. To realize that separation is and always has been an illusion.
Moreover, Restoring the Priestesses (and Priests) has nothing to do with formalized religion. This, too, is an opportunity to remember our sacred heritage and mission.
We need Priestesses now more than ever who…
- Lead from the Heart and the Soul
- Rise above the Chaos & Insanity
- See past the Illusions
- Maintain a Higher Perspective
- Are masters of the “Middle Way”
- Alchemize 3-D Lead to 5-D Gold
- Stand as Pillars of Love & Light
- Bring Heaven to Earth
We need Priestesses in our homes. Priestesses in our schools. Priestesses as healers and caregivers. Priestesses as bankers, lawyers, and entrepreneurs. Priestesses in our boardrooms and government institutions. Priestesses caring for Mother Earth, the animal kingdom, and the air we breathe, water we drink, food we consume.
Priestesses as Leaders in all walks of life Co-Creating the way forward to a New Earth!
Is this resonating with you? Are you feeling the call to go deeper on your Spiritual Journey and step more fully into your own Sacred Mission? As a Priestess or Priest? Lightworker, Starseed, or Wayshower?
If so, I invite you to explore a new online course offering from Mary Magdalene’s Mystery School that I will be leading beginning in January. It’s for anyone who hears the call to be a leader of Sacred Co-Creation.
If you’d like to learn more, please join us for a free webinar on Sunday, November 17, at 2:00 pm EST. We’ll share more about the course and answer all of your questions. And if you can’t attend live, we’ll send a recording.
Don’t wait any longer to step onto your path of Awakening to your True Self and bringing forth your Sacred Mission!
Be bold. Be Daring.
Be AWE-dacious!
Sending so much love! Bliss

Holy Yes or Hell No!
It seems like no matter how hard I try to simplify my life and manage my commitments, my... Continue ReadingIt seems like no matter how hard I try to simplify my life and manage my commitments, my to-do list never seems to get any shorter. There are just so many AWE-mazing people, organizations, and missions dedicated to co-creating a better way forward. And I want to be part of that! Don’t you?
The reality, however, is that we can’t do it all. Continual distractions, obligations, and responsibilities keep us from staying focused on our Sacred Mission.
And I don’t believe we incarnated on the planet to experience the daily grind. If we want to maintain balance in our life, we must carve out time to just relax and have fun.
So how do we enjoy a life that is rich in creativity and adventure while overcoming overwhelm?
Recently, a few suggestions have crossed my path…
The first comes from Rachel Botsman, a Trust Fellow from Oxford University, who is credited for coming up with the concept of “to-don’t” lists – a way to eliminate overburdening and non-essential activities.
This a clever way to start reconfiguring our daily living, don’t you think? Here are a couple of things on my “to-don’t” list…
- Don’t schedule morning meetings so I can have plenty of time to enjoy my Spiritual practices
- Don’t spend time with people who drain my energy
- Don’t believe that just because someone sends me an email I have to read it – be choosy
- Don’t watch the fear-inducing news streams or waste time scrolling through social media feeds
- Don’t sign up for too many online summits/workshops/courses – even though the content is appealing my brain can become saturated and leave very little space for my own genius to shine through
The next suggestion came from Dr. Paul Corona, a personal coach for achievement-oriented leaders who he believes tend to say “yes” too often and as a result have too much going on. He suggests the following experiment…
“In your head and heart, start saying “no” to every single new thing that comes your way. In other words, change your default response to no. Then stop and ask yourself, “Do I really, truly have to say yes to this one?” If so…by all means say yes, do the thing, and do it well. Otherwise, respond no. Try this for a month. And also take a good, hard look at your current calendar commitments and change every “maybe” and “weak yes” to a no. When the month is up, evaluate the quality of your professional and personal life.”
Corona says that in 20+ years of coaching leaders, he has never had anyone report a problem or significant disruption after completing this experiment. In fact, the stuff they never needed to do just goes away somehow or they delegate and let it go.
This falls right in line with a quote I once heard that says…
“Successful people say no to almost everything!”
Over time, I’ve discovered two approaches in my own life that when practiced keep me focused and happier. The first is to examine my life using three containers…
- Have To
- Should
- Want To
The “Have To” container consists of those things that you maybe don’t love to do but you have to like laundry, cleaning house, and paying bills. The key here is to get them done as quickly and efficiently as possible.
This leaves more time for the “Want To” container which should be filled to the brim with high-vibrational, life-affirming people, things, and activities. Ideally, your sacred mission falls into this category as well.
The “Should” container is the place of untapped potential because here you find all those things that you think you’re supposed to do or feel obligated to do but really don’t want to. When you take time to examine this container and have the courage to remove these people, things, and activities from your life – the clouds part, the sun shines through, and you might even hear the sound of angels singing a hallelujah chorus.
Life becomes magical!
I know it can be challenging to eliminate people and things from your life that have been there for a long time. So I have another method I use that helps make the process a bit more clear.
In my favorite Divine Feminine oracle deck from Meggan Watterson, she introduces us to “Freyja”, the Goddess of Discernment, and one of the most powerful and important deities in Norse mythology. Here’s what Meggan writes…
“You get to choose the life you want to live. And this happens by being fierce and warrior-like about what you say yes to. Use discernment so that you are only saying yes to what will actually nourish and renew you, inspire or expand you. It’s not your business to worry about those you might disappoint. You were not made to meet everyone’s expectations of you. You were made to express the truth of who you are and to use the brief time you have here to live out your potential…Your only true obligation is to the voice of your own soul.”
I suggest that as you step more fully into your magnificence and design the life of your dreams, begin asking yourself with each new invitation or opportunity…
“Is this a Holy Yes or a Hell No?”
And then experience the Mystery, Magic, and Miracles of your Destiny!
Be bold. Be Daring.
P.S. We can sometimes feel guilty for exercising our right to say, “Hell No.” If you find yourself here remember this…your “Hell No” opens up the opportunity for someone else to say her “Holy Yes”.
We can’t do it all. That’s why we’re in this together!

Who are you wrestling with?
“In the first half of life, we wrestle with the devil. In the second half of life, we... Continue Reading“In the first half of life, we wrestle with the devil.
In the second half of life, we wrestle with God.”
– Ron Rolheiser
When I was early in my spiritual journey I loved the quote above, but recently I’ve discovered that it’s incomplete. There’s another way we wrestle in life that is far more daunting and it’s not “out there”. It’s within.
During the summer Olympics I was watching a tennis match between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. While they were playing the announcer was relaying a conversation she had with Nadal where she asked him who was the toughest competitor he’d ever played. His answer was, “Myself. It was always myself.”
Can you relate to that? I sure can. And the older I get, the more clearly I see this.
The thing or things that have held me back weren’t my upbringing, or schooling, or career opportunities. How rich or poor I was, whether I was healthy or not, or where I lived. It wasn’t my depth of spirituality, how kind or cruel I was, or how hard I tried.
The thing that always held me back, and still does at times, is whether I believe in the depths of my heart and soul that I CAN do it or have it, that I deserve it, and that I get to decide the outcome.
It’s not uncommon for many of us to fall into the pattern of the “Wounded Feminine”, the victim, a powerless being whose fate lies in the hands of some unseen go-between who decides whether or not we’re successful. Who is worthy and who isn’t. Whether luck or fate is on our side.
In truth, we want to blame someone or something else because it’s easier that way. It’s easier to believe it’s out of our hands. Because the alternative is to have to look in the mirror and get brutally honest with ourselves. And that can be terrifying.
If we dare to dive deep into our psyche, what might we find? If we explore the stories, belief systems, and cultural norms and expectations that have been thrust upon us by our family, community, and society, what happens when it all starts to crumble?
What happens is we’re left with ourself. Our authentic self.
And then we have to ask the question, “Is she everything I want to her be? Am I everything I desire to be?”
Whew! That’s some deep stuff, isn’t it? I told you we’d have to get brutally honest.
But that doesn’t mean this should be an exercise in self-degradation. On the contrary, this is an invitation to step more fully into your magnificence.
Because the truth is, no matter who you are, where you’re from, how you were raised, how wealthy you are, your gender, color, or race, YOU ARE WORTHY!
You are worthy of making all your dreams come true. Of co-creating your reality in a way that is even better than you ever imagined.
Why? Because you are not the wounded feminine. You, dear SiStar, are the Divine Feminine!
A sovereign be-ing who incarnated on this planet to remember the Truth and to share your Love and Light with a hurting world.
Most days, though, it’s not easy because our mind loves to play games with us. Make us think we don’t have what it takes and that our best efforts will never be enough. That the cards are stacked against us. That someone, somewhere else is destined to win a competition we never signed up for.
The soul-ution to this madness is to see beyond the lies and illusions – the matrix – and rise above and into a higher frequency of living.
Your purpose in life is to awaken to and live out your Highest Expression!
A being who is so breathtakingly unique that absolutely no one in the galaxy is exactly like you and can do precisely what you’re meant to do.
Once you begin to live in this Highest Expression of Love and Light that you are, it is absolutely impossible for you not to step fully into your destiny and live a life of your dreams.
Here’s the thing – if we want to overcome the darkness we see out in the world – we have to stop wrestling with the demons and Gods out there and go within. Take all those wounds and fears and worries, wrap them in your loving arms, and rock them to sleep in the space of your compassionate heart. Thank them for trying to protect you and let them know that it’s safe for them to dissolve now. Then release them.
And from this new, lighter and higher vibrational space let your wings unfold and fly free as the Goddess you are.
What do you say we soar together to new heights and inspire others to do the same? For this is what the world needs. This is why we’re here. This is our Destiny! It’s time.
Be bold. Be Daring.
Be AWE-dacious!

Miracle Consciousness
July has been a really challenging month for me personally. There have been health challenges for myself and... Continue ReadingBeginnings and Endings tend to happen simultaneously and can bring up a rush of emotions on our path of growth and transformation.
Interestingly, I’ve received support from spirit animals during this time. This is a new awareness and gift for me that I am still unpacking.
If you’re not familiar with spirit animals they’re guardian deities who take the shape of animals and connect you to the spiritual realms. Finding your power animal and learning how it can help and accompany you is a wonderful addition to your spiritual path as their energies provide support when you are going through a difficult period in your life.
I began to recognize the great blue heron as a spirit guide a few years ago when I lived in Chicago. I frequently walked at a nearby nature preserve where a blue heron loved to accompany me. I would watch as he patiently hunted for food in the stream and marvel as he took flight on outstretched wings. So beautiful and graceful and strong.
So, I was delighted to discover another beautiful blue heron guide living near the river that flows by my apartment in Greenville. She often flies right past my window as I’m on the third floor. Or I see her down by the waterfalls in town. This month I was gifted to see not one, but two blue herons. As they like their solitude it is very rare to see them together except during breeding season. And the moment was made all the more special as they took flight together. I always feel like they’re reminding me of my own wings.
But the most beautiful gift was one evening when I was struggling and went out to my balcony to breathe in the night air. Just then my blue heron flew in front of me and perched high atop a tree limb that looked much too weak for her weight. But there she sat swaying in the breeze and stayed for the entire time I was outside as we watched the sun set together.
A blue heron is a symbol of the presence of the gods. Therefore, whenever a blue heron shows up it is a sign that gods are watching over you.
As July is my birthday month, the spirit realms must have felt to send another special gift. One day I was looking out the window when a beautiful butterfly landed on the screen. I slowly walked to the window so I could get a closer look at its stunning coloring. As it was a particularly windy day, the butterfly was holding on so tightly with its tiny and delicate legs. Its wings were drawn in close as they were pushed from side to side. I said to this beautiful creature,
“Why are you holding on so tightly? You have wings. You can fly!”
It was at that moment I realized this message was for me – a gift from this spirit animal at a very trying time in my life. Not long after, she released her grip and flew off into the wind.
As someone who has spent my entire life trying to be in control so I can feel safe and secure, the past few years of change and upheaval have really shaken the ground beneath my feet. As a result, I’ve found myself focusing more deeply on my spiritual beliefs and practices in the hope of maintaining some semblance of stability.
My devotion to Divine Mother has been strengthened through this time as she offers unconditional love and support to all those who seek her care. However, my upbringing in the Catholic church left me with a fear of turning my life over, believing that if I say “yes” it will mean a life of sacrifice and pain.
At the end of last year, as I found myself wanting to deepen my relationship with Mother Mary, I knew I had to be willing to let go, trust, and surrender. I spoke to her in prayer expressing my desire and fear and asking her to please show me that she is close by and will always provide the love and support I need.
Not long after, on December 12th, I was in a group meditation with the Remembership Community of Mary Magdalene’s School. I glanced over at my rosary which I’ve had since I was a little girl and keep at the side of my bed. Something was different about it – it had a yellow hue. As I picked it up, I was astounded to see that the chain which had always been silver was now gold!
When I was in my twenties, I had a girlfriend who visited Medjugorje, a small village in Bosnia-Herzegovina where Mary has appeared. She told me that while she was there her rosary turned gold. In my research to learn more, I discovered that this has been said to happen many times when people visit spiritual sites linked to the Mother. Yet here it had happened right in my own bedroom. And the rosary is still gold today.
So how do I explain all of these happenings? Herons and butterflies accompanying me on my journey. A rosary alchemizing from silver to gold.
There’s only one explanation I know of. They’re miracles. Everyday miracles!
And they’re not just meant for me. They’re meant for you, too. Because miracles aren’t supposed to be something extraordinary that happen once in a blue moon.
Miracle consciousness is meant to be a way of life for each and every one of us if we’re willing to believe.
We are not alone on this path of rising consciousness. We have the support and guidance of the Spirit realms at all times. We just have to ask for their assistance and they will leap into action. For they understand how challenging it is to be here on the planet at this time and how courageous we are to have said yes. And they want to do everything they can to ensure our success in co-creating New Earth.
I know I’m not alone in experiencing challenges as we move through our shadows and into the light. And I know many of you have challenges that are far more difficult than my own. It takes faith, courage and miracles to stay positive and trust that we are being held through it all.
Be bold. Be Daring.
Be AWE-dacious!!!

What’s in a Name?
When I had the idea to write a blog post about my “new name”, I thought it would... Continue ReadingWhen I had the idea to write a blog post about my “new name”, I thought it would just be a fun topic to explore. However, in the past couple of days I’ve had in depth conversations with many of my soul sisters around the idea of “renaming ourselves” and as it turns out it’s more common and goes much deeper than I had imagined. So, let’s dive in!
My parents named me Elisabeth Ann. I’ve asked my mom why she didn’t spell my first name with a “z” as is common in the U.S. She doesn’t have an insightful reason other than she preferred spelling it with an “s” which is more common in Europe.
Somewhere in my early childhood I started being called “Liz”. Again, I asked my mom why and she said the kids in the neighborhood started calling me that. Not to criticize my mom, but I wouldn’t let random kids determine what my child would be called for the rest of their life😊.
Maybe it’s because I’ve discovered that what we call ourselves matters. Just think how many times you hear your name in a day, a year, or a lifetime.
I wasn’t even fully cognizant of this when I named my own children. If I had been, I would have been even more intentional with my choice of names.
I started to become more aware of my relationship with my name when I was in college and my closest girlfriends began calling me “Lisbeth”. For the first time, I felt like this was a name with which I resonated. It was similar to my original name, Elisabeth, but shorter and less formal. It also felt like my girlfriends were calling me a name that had special meaning to them and to me. It brought a sense of bonding between us. In fact, we all began to use “nicknames” for each other that aligned with our identities as we were growing and maturing. Or some were just really funny.
When I started working in the corporate world, again my closest friends began calling me yet another name, Libby. And to this day, they still do.
But somewhere in my twenties, for the first time, I took ownership of my name. Tired of still being called “Liz” by the majority of people in my life, I decided to change the spelling to “Lis”. It seemed to make so much more sense given the spelling of my birthname and the love of my nickname. Understandably, it took a while for it to stick given that for almost three decades people had called me “Liz”. However, eventually almost everyone adopted it.
It hasn’t always been an easy name for people to pronounce. Some still pronounce it with a “z” on the end. Some say “Lees” rather than “Lis” which rhymes with kiss. And some even add an “a” to the end of it calling me “Lisa”. Rather than being frustrated by this, I love that my name is unique and a better reflection of me.
So just when you thought surely this can’t happen again…yep, I did it. I have once again taken ownership of my name and changed it, even at this late stage in the game. Here’s how it happened.
A couple of months ago I attended a Divine Feminine event near my new home. To begin the gathering we went around the circle introducing ourselves. At the end of the afternoon, a woman came up to me and said, “When you introduced yourself, I thought you said your name was Bliss.”
Talk about an “Aha” moment. The clouds parted, a bright light descended, and I felt the energy of her statement coursing through my entire body. It was as if a message had been delivered from the higher realms.
My name isn’t Elisabeth, or Liz, or Lisbeth, or Libby, or Lis. My name is Bliss! A name bestowed on me long before I incarnated on this planet. I immediately reclaimed it as my own.
Why? Why did it hit me so profoundly?
Because to me Bliss is more than a name. It’s a state of being. One that represents enlightenment, a rising above the earthly plane, a return to the Light.
It embodies pure joy, happiness, fulfillment. The desire to dance, sing, and play. The ultimate freedom.
Now, every time I call myself Bliss, or someone else does, I am reminded of the reason I’m here and the journey I’m on. It’s the new me. No longer bound by my past – the names, roles, storylines, beliefs that others wanted or needed me to adopt.
I am now free to fully embrace the truth of who I am and the story I am writing for this second half of my life.
I Am Bliss!
(As I’m writing this synchronistically one of my favorite songs begins to play, “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac. Those of you who are my age will understand the profundity of this and the lyrics…“Well I’ve been afraid of changing cuz I built my life around you. But time makes you bolder, even children get older, and I’m getting older, too.”)
In The Essenes – Children of the Light by Stuart Wilson & Joanna Prentis, here’s what they say about the Essene children…
“Each child comes with his or her own little history. The star chart is part of the history, but there is also the name and the vibration of the name. We believe there is an Angel of the Name, and this Angel knows what name the soul has chosen. The Angel of the Name makes its presence felt by the mother, and if the mother is sensitive to the incoming soul she will know when she is in contact with the Angel of the Name, and she will recognize the name when it is presented to her. She will feel as if the right chord has been struck in music, and that is because she recognizes the energy of the incoming soul and knows that the name reflects that energy.”
So, what’s in a name? You are! You are in your name. Your vibration. Your energy. Your life, your story, your journey, your destiny.
But if your mother wasn’t in tune with the energy of you as an incoming soul – which is likely the case for most of us – then does your birth name fully capture the true essence of you?
If so – rock on with your bad self!
If not, ask yourself these questions…
Do you love your name?
Is it an accurate reflection of your energy and vibration?
As you grow and transform is your name keeping up with you?
If not, how would you change it?
What would you like to be called instead and why?
It’s not too late. I know many women who have adopted new names for themselves – Joy, Grace Ann, Lila, Anne Rose. Names of Indigenous origin, names of Goddesses, names of angels.
Give it a try and let me know what you come up with by replying to this email. I’d love to know who the true you really is!
And if you want to dive deeper into discovering how your name has influenced your life’s journey, I invite you to meet my dear friend and soul sister, Michelle Marie, the founder of Love Voice Rising. She has a new offering called “Exploring Your Name” where she provides guidance and insights that will enhance your journey and inspire you to step more fully into your authentic self. You can learn more here…www.LoveVoiceRising.com.
Be bold. Be Daring.
Be AWE-dacious!
P.S. When I was growing up my mom would frequently encourage us to heed Joseph Campbell’s advice to “Follow Your Bliss”. What she didn’t know was that her daughter would one day do just that. Thanks, Mom!


The Blueprint of your Destiny
I’m sure many of you would agree that our unique Destiny path is rarely a straight line, and oftentimes... Continue ReadingI’m sure many of you would agree that our unique Destiny path is rarely a straight line, and oftentimes we don’t see the patterns until we look back and reflect on the twists and turns. In my own life, I continue to be surprised at where life is leading me and the adventures I’m being invited to embark upon.
I founded my social enterprise, AWE Partners, in 2016 and have been sharing my journey with you since then in hopes of inspiring you to shine your light more fully. The mission of AWE was to educate women on how to make their AWE-thentic Impact in the world, particularly around social issues about which they were passionate. I encouraged them to do the inner work first and then take their true self out into the world and share their magnificence!
My personal passion was focused on the empowerment of women and girls. As I got deeper into the work, I coined the term “Re-powerment” as I realized that we’re not empowering women and girls – we’re reminding them of the inherent power they hold within. I then went on to design the 7 Pillars of Women’s Re-powerment which are:
· Re-connecting to Mother Earth
· Health & Well-Being
· Education
· Economic Empowerment
· Equality & Leadership
· Freedom from Violence
· Re-storing the Sacred
By focusing on these 7 pillars simultaneously we support women and girls with the resources they need to flourish. But I believe the most important pillars are #1 Reconnecting to Mother Earth and #7 Restoring the Sacred.
I don’t remember when I first heard the term “Divine Feminine”. All I know is it resonated deeply. In my personal journey I was trying to find a way to reconcile my own spirituality with the religion I had grown up with and all but abandoned as I began to see how its messages had been corrupted.
The concept of the Divine Feminine provided an avenue to explore the feminine side of spirituality which had been left out of any stories or doctrine I had been taught. Intentionally left out and now resurrecting in a powerful way to balance the masculine energies that have dominated our history. I was all in!
I learned more about Divine Mother Mary who played an even greater role in history than simply birthing her son, Yeshua. I also learned about Mary Magdalene, a key figure in the Christian narrative who was not only a female disciple of Yeshua’s (and there were many more) but also his beloved companion. This and more was revealed in the findings of significant archaeological recoveries – the Nag Hammadi Library in 1945 and the Dead Sea Scrolls between 1947 and 1960. Who knew there was a Gospel of Mary Magdalene?
At the core of Yeshua’s mission, and the Essene community which supported him, was an anchoring of the Cosmic Energy of Unconditional Love on the planet. Yeshua didn’t come to save us from our sins, for he knew of our inherent goodness. He came to show us how to live on this planet as both human and Divine. A message that was so threatening to the powers that be, they had him crucified.
However, despite how the events unfolded or perhaps because of them, a shift in consciousness did occur 2,000 years ago which set the stage for what is happening on the planet right now. We no longer have to live in a narrative of victimhood and powerlessness.
By raising our consciousness to a higher frequency, each and everyone of us is invited to wake up, remember our Divinity, and claim our Sovereignty!
This truth is nothing less than the ultimate “Re-Powerment” tool. And a message that must be shared with the world!
For if we are to co-create a New Earth – one that thrives not on fear, dis-ease, scarcity, greed, competition, and power over – we must shift the consciousness on the planet to Love, Light, Truth, Harmony, Cooperation, Oneness, Abundance, and Peace. And it starts with each of us. It’s both an invitation and a responsibility. You don’t have to look far to see that the time is now for a renewed Unity Consciousness!
Through all of my research, reading and participation in spiritual programming, I have come to the conclusion that there’s nothing more important for me to focus my energies on at this time than playing my part in raising the consciousness on the planet and thereby “Re-powering” not only women and girls – everyone!
But how?
That’s where Mary Magdalene’s School (MMS) comes in. A modern-day Mystery School just like the ones that Yeshua, Divine Mother, Mary Magdalene and members of the Essene community to which they belonged, participated in to open their minds and hearts to the great mysteries. In fact, many of the greatest minds in the ancient world were initiates of the Mystery Schools which spread throughout the ancient Mediterranean.
Mary Magdalene’s School, located in Vezelay, France, was created by two dear soul sisters, Anna Vanickova and Petra van der Linden-Brussen, and is open to all regardless of gender, race, religion, or culture. Its mission is to assist in the awakening of all humanity into Sophia Christ Consciousness and seed the New Civilization on Gaia Earth through the mystery school tradition.
I’ll delve deeper into some of these topics over time and share more about the school and my role in its growth strategy. But for now, I wanted to provide a brief overview of how I landed in this new position on the MMS team and why I believe it’s perhaps the most important work we can be doing individually and collectively to support humanity, make an impact and participate in the Sacred Co-creation of New Earth.
As I reflect on the path I’ve walked, none of this was in my plan. But the Divine Blueprint was there all along guiding and supporting me – calling me home. I just had to follow the breadcrumbs, trust, and surrender. Easier said than done, would you agree?
So, what about you? What’s the Blueprint for your Destiny? Are you in the process of waking up, becoming aware, rising out of lower frequencies and into the higher frequencies of Love and Light?
Not sure? Spend some time reflecting back over your life and see if you can see the patterns emerging. Trust that you’ve always been guided and supported. And if you feel stuck ask your guides for help. They’re just waiting to hear from you to assist you on the journey.
Be bold. Be Daring.
P.S. To learn more about Mary Magdalene’s School follow this link…https://marymagdaleneschool.com.
We’d love to welcome you to the community!

Kogi Prophecy: What Does it Mean for Humanity?
In November, 2023, the Kogi (Kaggabba) brought to the Fountain team, led by my dear friend and colleague,... Continue ReadingIn November, 2023, the Kogi (Kaggabba) brought to the Fountain team, led by my dear friend and colleague, Jyoti Ma, a message they had received from the Mother at the Heart of the World.
The Original Peoples globally are receiving similar messages and are carrying prophecy and creation stories that speak to these times. We are in very prophetic times, and the Mother is trying to shake us awake!
When I first listened to the message, I was a bit taken aback. It sounded ominous with very specific deadlines. So I immediately reached out to Jyoti Ma to better understand what is being asked of us and how we can be sure to answer the call.
We decided it would be helpful to host an event with my Soul Sister, Irina Morrison, and Unity Earth. In this way, we can share the message and answer the important questions of how each of us can play our part in supporting the shifts that need to happen on the planet.
You are invited to join us on Earth Day, Monday, April 22nd, at 8:30 pm Eastern, live on Unity Earth TV. Irina and I will be joined by Jyoti Ma, Eleonora Dahl, and Luisah Teish who will share more about the message and answer questions you may have.
Please Note – the first 60 minutes will be a live broadcast on UNITY EARTH TV – https://unity.earth/tv/, followed by a private Q&A session in the Zoom room. You’ll need to register here to get a unique Zoom link to attend the live Q&A…
You can view the Message of the Mother on The Fountain website using this link…https://thefountain.earth/mother/
Here is a message from the Kogi Nation…
“We, the Kaggabba nation, are here to tell a story. We tell the creation stories and their importance in the creation of the World up until the times we live in now.
We, the Kaggabba, have made a pause in order to be able to be of aid in these times. We require all of you to work for this. To be of help, so that the sacred places on earth can restore and help the Mother with the work she does, as she replenishes and feeds all life on earth and into the universe, so all can continue.”
And recommendations from The Fountain on what each us can do now…
“Each one of us has been listening deeply and many have received their own instructions and guidance for how to walk with Mother Earth honoring her. Some of you are already working to bring regenerative and restorative projects adding to the healing of our Mother. Some of you already work with your families, communities and networks bringing teachings and initiatives that wake people to the need to step out of colonized ways of thinking and return to the original way of life that is based on the original principles of heart, reciprocity, collaboration, unity and that all life is sacred. Our elders around the earth are saying “light yourselves up”! Bring your work to a full actualization. If each of us do this, then the healing deepens, and its effects are far reaching.
“We are writing to you from the shared space in our hearts that has been touched by the Mamos message from Mother Earth. This message is moving around the world and has been felt deeply by many. We thank you for listening. We thank you for sharing your willingness with us, and showing your desire to be a part of this movement to protect and honor our Mother Earth.”
Be sure to join us on Monday, April 22nd, at 8:30 pm Eastern, live on Unity Earth TV. And register for the live Q&A here…
Be bold. Be Daring.
Be AWE-dacious!
P.S. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to spend time with these AWE-mazing women…
Jyoti Ma (Elder, North America)
Jyoti Ma is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies (https://www.centerforsacredstudies.org/), she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is the founder of The Fountain (https://thefountain.earth) whose mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. She serves as a delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations. And it is through this current work in collaboration with the Fountain, that a global Sacred Territories Initiative is evolving to protect Mother Earth’s sacred sites and Her Original Peoples. Jyoti has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways. Through this work, collaborative relationships with organizations that are focused on economic, social and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing the global challenges of our times.
Eleonora Dahl (Cross-Cultural Advisor and Interpreter)
Eleonora serves as a cross-cultural advisor, consultant, translator and spiritual interpreter. She has a background in anthropology, social work, and decolonized yoga practice and teaching. Her work gets inspiration and guidance through ancestral knowledge and original teachings, working closely with elders and youth allowing her to bridge and weave earthly based ways of prayer and instruction into loving action for community healing and education for future generations. A woman of prayer, she stands for a conscious stewardship and protection of the lands and waters of our Mother Earth.
Luisah Teish (Iyanifa and Oshun chief, USA)
Yeye Luisah Teish is a writer, storyteller- activist, and spiritual counselor. She is an initiated elder (Iyanifa) and woman chief in the Ifa/Orisha tradition of the African diaspora. She has studied the indigenous spirituality of African, Native American (North, South, and Central) and Caribbean cultures. She is a priestess of Oshun, the Goddess of Love, Art, and Sensuality, and a devotee (mambo) of Damballah Hwedo, the Haitian Rainbow Serpent. She is the author of six books, most notably “Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals,” a women’s spirituality classic that has been translated into German, Dutch, and Spanish. She co-authored “On Holy Ground: Commitment and Devotion to Sacred Land” with Leilani Bireley, a Hawaiian Kahuna. Her latest work, “A Calabash of Cowries: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times”, is an Amazon Books best seller. She has received a lifetime achievement award for community service from the International Black Women’s Congress, the XX award for Defending women’s rights, the Radical Truth Telling Award, and the Grandma’s Hands Award. Luisah is a writer, a ritual theater performance artist, and spiritual guidance counselor. She has contributed to 25 anthologies and published articles in magazines such as Essence, MS, Shaman’s Drum and the Yoga Journal. She is a featured storyteller in the film “Changing of the Gods”.

Sacred Co-Creation Circles
For years I’ve been dreaming of bringing women together in circle for a higher purpose. I was originally... Continue ReadingFor years I’ve been dreaming of bringing women together in circle for a higher purpose. I was originally going to call them AWE-thentic Impact Circles, as they would bring forth the inner work we were doing to be our True Self and take that out into the world to make our impact.
Over time as I grew in my Sacred Mission, I came to discover that what we’re being invited to is even more magnificent and powerful.
It’s the beautiful act of Sacred Co-Creation with ourselves, our soul family, and the ethereal realms.
It’s the way it was always meant to be and it’s what we’re remembering now.
I began gathering the women last fall with the creation of the first circle and then added the second in January. I have a general idea of how I see these evolving; however, I am very open to letting them unfold in the way we’re being guided.
We gather monthly and begin by connecting in with each other. I then share a short teaching to inspire us to expand our thinking beyond the conditioning we’ve all received as occupants of this planet. We’re encouraged to explore Soul-utions to the challenges we’re currently facing and to dream into a New Earth and New Future for all. Together, we create an intention and then take this into our communal meditation.
The response so far is very positive. It’s an opportunity to step away from the narratives we’re bombarded with daily and to instead find a more hopeful path forward. It also provides each of us with the support, nurturing, and guidance we need to navigate these challenging times with more ease, flow, and grace.
Here’s what I know…
We are all here for a unique purpose and it’s a gift, and responsibility, to be able to fulfill our destiny.
We can either keep focusing on what’s breaking down or begin the adventure of co-creating the New. I think you can guess where I’m putting my energy.
Let me give you just a taste of some of the AWE-mazing creations being brought forth by members of our circles…
Dr Anne Baring is the author and co-author of 8 books, among them The Myth of the Goddess, The Divine Feminine and The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul. In July she published Messages from a Transcendent Dimension, the messages received by her mother from 1943 to 1968. She is currently working on her final book: The Holy Spirit: the Forgotten Feminine Aspect of God. The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic, and artistic traditions of different cultures. Her focus for fifty years has been on the restoration of the feminine archetype and the freeing of women in those cultures where their lives are constrained by men. Her websites are devoted to a new vision of reality and the choice that lies before us as a species. She hopes the women of the world will come together to eliminate war and the endless preparations for future wars. Learn more here… www.annebaring.com and www.anne-baring.com
Sheila Cash, Founder of Evolve Your Life, LLC facilitates global gatherings through the “Super Conscious Think Tank”. Participants from around the globe meditate deeply into the energy of and the catalysts to peace and dozens of other topics facing humanity today. Sheila also teaches both privately one-on-one and through group programs the skills of the Future Human, who we need to be and what will serve us best as we lean into our rapidly evolving world. For inquiries to participate, contact Sheila at: https://sheilacash.com/contact-sheila
MarBeth Dunn and Teri Angel are founders and directors of Ten Million for World Peace (https://tenmillionforworldpeace.org), a 501(c)(3) organization. Their mission is to gather 10 million individuals in a Unified Field of Consciousness to meditate for world peace, with a special focus on world leaders, so they can lead the planet with greater awareness and integrity into peace and harmony. To that end, they lead daily 7-minute guided meditations at 1:11 pm Eastern. In addition, they host the Imagine Peace Podcast on YouTube, Spotify, RSS.com, Google Podcast, and Amazon Music, and offer monthly Healing Circles by donation.
The Peace On Earth Tour is a global peace pilgrimage undertaken by Teri Angel, founder of Angelspeakers, Inc., to promote harmony and unity around the world. Commencing on September 11, 2020, the Tour’s mission is to bring people from different cultures, religions, and backgrounds together to foster mutual understanding and respect. The tour includes spiritual gatherings, discussions, land blessings for peace and honoring the waterways of our world. For more information about the Peace On Earth Tour including videos of the land blessings, please visit https://www.angelspeakers.com/peace-on-earth-tour
Katrin Lambert works with energetic vibration transformation. She tracks down all unknown root causes of her clients’ challenges, and then transforms the dissonance of the problem with the client’s system in light speed. Learn more at https://quantum-transformation.com/aboutme and contact Katrin at Info@quantum-transformation.com
Heather Elizabeth is the Founder and Steward of SHINE: Supporting Humanity In Navigating EVOLution. SHINE serves as a SACRED container for the alchemical process of the personal and planetary TRANSFORMATION at hand. The IMAGINE PEACE Promise Alliance is a sector of SHINE that is devoted to cultivating inner and outer PEACE through the building of Beloved Community, inspired by the work of Howard Thurman, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King, and Thich Nhat Hanh. Join in their Earth Day 2024 initiative to make Earth Day an International Holiday! Take the day off of work on Aprill 22nd and gather in commUNITY to be of service to our Mother Earth. Stay connected about this initiative by visiting https://Patreon.com/SHINEHeatherElizabeth
Tammy Martin has been working with local health practitioners in a pod format to share what we all know about wellness and setting it up into a brain trust. This is going to be one central document that we will all use as a resource guide to maintain our health. It’ll have protocols and links in it to existing resources like books, PDFs, websites, etc. The goal is to empower the reader to see different options and let them choose for themselves what resonates the most. Once that document is complete, we will likely work on a first-aid brain trust afterwards. To connect with Tammy email her here… tammy.martin.ca@proton.me
Trish Murray has been co-creating with the Divine since 2012, after coming to feel like her work/business had lost any real sense of ’soul’. She began looking at specific insights using Human Design, Astrology and Numerology from her entrepreneur clients and identifying their unique ’soul style’. As she merged their ’style’ with five foundational areas that create and sustain business growth she started to really see and FEEL her clients’ alignment and achievement, in a very natural, soulful way. A great starting point for the curious is a personalized Soul Drivers Guide; four foundational insights from your human design, astrology and numerology that shine a light on what moves us at a soul level. Connect with Trish here… www.soulstyle.me/discover
If any of the above projects or offerings resonates, please don’t hesitate to connect with these AWE-mazing women. They would love to hear from you!
And if you’re interested in joining a Sacred Co-Creation Circle, I’ll be sure to let you know when new ones are forming.
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!
P.S. Enjoy this wisdom from circle member Janice Dolley…
“I am being shown that all our small groupings that meet to meditate, share creative thoughts, and hold a high vision, do all link at a fourth dimensional level. And just as dark forces create and are affected by astral entities and generate energies of a negative kind some call loosh, so too all those working for Spirit, for love, beauty, goodness, and truth are contributing to a subtle field that angelic and other higher realms can use for their own undertakings to assist us.”

The Bigger Questions
I hope you’re well and that the new year has been good to you so far. I haven’t... Continue ReadingI hope you’re well and that the new year has been good to you so far. I haven’t been in touch for awhile as I chose to take some down time in January to relax and reflect. However, it was not the complete escape I was hoping for as there is always so much happening. So I extended my retreat into February and, lo and behold, another month has already passed.
You may recall that last year was a significant year of transition for me. To recap, my youngest son graduated from college, my husband retired, we sold our home, and moved from Chicago to Greenville, South Carolina. And here we are, six months in and still living in an apartment while the bulk of our belongings are in storage. So why haven’t we found our new home? Great question!
First, I think my husband and I both needed to exhale after such a significant transition. Having owned three different homes in the past 30 years, it feels kind of nice to not have that responsibility.
And we have loved living in a small city (with a big city vibe). Just steps from our door we can find delicious food, theatre, music, and shopping. There’s also a gorgeous waterfall in the center of town and a bike path that winds through nature. Hiking in the mountains is just a short car drive away.
But I think consciously, or subconsciously, there’s another force at play. I just don’t think I am ready to commit to buying a home so far away from where my boys live. So why did we move in the first place?
Well…about a year ago our oldest son moved to California and our youngest was planning to apply to medical schools all over the country. So realizing there was no reason to stay in Chicago and wait for them to visit us, we expanded our horizons.
After much searching, we were guided back to the Carolinas where we had lived when our children were young. We had always loved the mountains, so we set out to find our new home close to the vortex near Asheville, North Carolina. But when we stumbled upon nearby Greenville, South Carolina, we felt like we’d found a little slice of heaven.
Fast forward, here we are in our small apartment in Greenville, loving the mild climate and the beauty of the mountains, the happy and friendly people, and the aforementioned abundance of things to do.
But here’s the thing. After we had already made the move, my oldest son decided to move back to Chicago to attend grad school. And my youngest son is now considering medical school in the Midwest. Hello? Could you not have made these decisions before we packed up the truck and moved our belongings south?
I know you parents of older children are laughing and saying, “Never plan your life around your children because the likelihood of them staying put is slim to none.” I know of more than one instance of a couple buying a home where their children lived only to have the children move soon thereafter.
But there’s another piece to this puzzle that invites reflection. I didn’t choose to leave Chicago just because my children were no longer there. I chose to leave because the energy of life had grown stagnant.
Once the boys moved away our home just wasn’t the same. It was too quiet. Too many empty rooms filled with memories. I felt like even the house wanted us to leave so a new family with little children could move in.
The neighborhood that was perfect for raising children where they could safely play outside and walk or ride bikes to school and the parks, made me miss them even more. I would pass the soccer fields where my boys played or hear the high school band that my son participated in practicing, and I’d get a knot in my stomach wondering how it all went by so fast.
I just felt like if I stayed there a part of me would die.
The nice, neat package of a life I had created felt comfortable but too confining now. I needed to step into a new chapter where I could be fully alive once again.
Even though this new path was filled with uncertainty, I felt my Soul calling me to expand and take a leap of faith. So, I leapt!
Here’s the thing…I still miss my boys A LOT! I miss not just them, but the life we shared as a family unit for so many years. And despite the advice of other parents, I do plan to move to wherever they land once they’re married and have children.
This leap has invited me to process through a deep level of grief with the possibility of arriving at a greater understanding of my relationship with my boys and my role as “mom” now that they’re grown.
But the leap has also resulted in a huge burst of new, live-giving energy. I literally feel a higher frequency here. I’m not sure if it’s the close proximity to the vortex or just a more positive approach to life in this area. Whatever it is, I don’t want to leave it!
I’m curious to discover what adventures my Soul wants to take…
* Who am I now when the roles I’ve played are shifting?
* What spiritual depths and heights are waiting to be explored?
* What is my Sacred Mission for this chapter of my life?
* What is the Universe asking of me?
* What do I most deeply desire?
And the all-important question, when will I get to move my things out of storage and into my new home?
At this time on the planet, when there is so much suffering, chaos, and uncertainty, we’re all being invited to ask the bigger questions and play our part in finding the answers.
Don’t be afraid of the darkness – the void. It’s not a tomb. It’s a womb where a new creation is being birthed!
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!
P.S. There’s so much Co-Creation happening. I can’t wait to share more with you soon.

Where are the Women?
A mother’s grief. Is there any more powerful emotion on the planet? I can think of only one. A... Continue ReadingA mother’s grief. Is there any more powerful emotion on the planet? I can think of only one.
A mother’s love.
We haven’t all birthed or mothered children. But we all are born of a mother.
And most of us have felt the deep love and nurturing that our mother provided. We know how she cared for us and worried about us and wanted only our safety and happiness.
We’ve known mothers who have lost children and we’ve seen how the pain never goes away. The hole in their heart cannot possibly be filled. A missing piece that can never be replaced.
Perhaps you’ve seen the heart-wrenching video on social media of a woman whose son was killed at the musical festival in Israel. When she learned that her son’s name had been painted on a missile to be used in the war she couldn’t imagine another mother suffering as she has. Instead, she is choosing love over revenge.
No mother should have to send her child to war – hoping and praying they return unharmed. For no one can go to war and, even if they do return, be untouched by what they experienced. They are forever haunted by the images. Forever changed, hardened even, by these crimes against humanity.
The past few months have crystalized the urgent need for women to come together and raise our individual and collective voice to end the perpetual pattern of war and violence which has caused so much pain and suffering over many centuries. Women are one half of humanity and yet our voices are not heard sufficiently to end this insanity.
Must we remain enslaved to this devastating pattern? No!
In this challenging, yet auspicious, time many are asking, “Where are the women?” They’re right here!
We invite you to join us for an important panel discussion entitled Women in Service to Love and Life.
You’ll meet 11 women who are whole-heartedly engaged in sacred activism so Love and Life triumph over fear, hatred, and despair.
This inspiring, hopeful, and profound conversation includes mothers and grandmothers, authors and musicians, peace activists, Indigenous wisdom keepers, and spiritual teachers. All share the Sacred Mission of ushering in the Divine Feminine and raising the consciousness of humanity to midwife a New Earth based in Peace, Love and Harmony.
Join us Wednesday, December 13th at 3:00 PM ET/8:00 PM GMT/6:00 AM AEDT live on Unity.Earth/TV for this free event.
No need to register – just click this link to join…Unity.Earth/TV
It’s time for the Voice of Women to be heard and heeded!
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!