Author's Posts

Lis Williams

Sacred Co-Creation Circles

  • March 11, 2024
  • Lis Williams

For years I’ve been dreaming of bringing women together in circle for a higher purpose. I was originally... Continue Reading

For years I’ve been dreaming of bringing women together in circle for a higher purpose. I was originally going to call them AWE-thentic Impact Circles, as they would bring forth the inner work we were doing to be our True Self and take that out into the world to make our impact.

Over time as I grew in my Sacred Mission, I came to discover that what we’re being invited to is even more magnificent and powerful.

It’s the beautiful act of Sacred Co-Creation with ourselves, our soul family, and the ethereal realms.

It’s the way it was always meant to be and it’s what we’re remembering now.

I began gathering the women last fall with the creation of the first circle and then added the second in January. I have a general idea of how I see these evolving; however, I am very open to letting them unfold in the way we’re being guided.

We gather monthly and begin by connecting in with each other. I then share a short teaching to inspire us to expand our thinking beyond the conditioning we’ve all received as occupants of this planet. We’re encouraged to explore Soul-utions to the challenges we’re currently facing and to dream into a New Earth and New Future for all. Together, we create an intention and then take this into our communal meditation.

The response so far is very positive. It’s an opportunity to step away from the narratives we’re bombarded with daily and to instead find a more hopeful path forward. It also provides each of us with the support, nurturing, and guidance we need to navigate these challenging times with more ease, flow, and grace.

Here’s what I know…

We are all here for a unique purpose and it’s a gift, and responsibility, to be able to fulfill our destiny.

We can either keep focusing on what’s breaking down or begin the adventure of co-creating the New. I think you can guess where I’m putting my energy.

Let me give you just a taste of some of the AWE-mazing creations being brought forth by members of our circles…

Dr Anne Baring is the author and co-author of 8 books, among them The Myth of the Goddess, The Divine Feminine and The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul. In July she published Messages from a Transcendent Dimension, the messages received by her mother from 1943 to 1968. She is currently working on her final book: The Holy Spirit: the Forgotten Feminine Aspect of God. The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic, and artistic traditions of different cultures. Her focus for fifty years has been on the restoration of the feminine archetype and the freeing of women in those cultures where their lives are constrained by men. Her websites are devoted to a new vision of reality and the choice that lies before us as a species. She hopes the women of the world will come together to eliminate war and the endless preparations for future wars. Learn more here… and

Sheila Cash, Founder of Evolve Your Life, LLC facilitates global gatherings through the “Super Conscious Think Tank”. Participants from around the globe meditate deeply into the energy of and the catalysts to peace and dozens of other topics facing humanity today. Sheila also teaches both privately one-on-one and through group programs the skills of the Future Human, who we need to be and what will serve us best as we lean into our rapidly evolving world. For inquiries to participate, contact Sheila at:

MarBeth Dunn and Teri Angel are founders and directors of Ten Million for World Peace (, a 501(c)(3) organization. Their mission is to gather 10 million individuals in a Unified Field of Consciousness to meditate for world peace, with a special focus on world leaders, so they can lead the planet with greater awareness and integrity into peace and harmony. To that end, they lead daily 7-minute guided meditations at 1:11 pm Eastern. In addition, they host the Imagine Peace Podcast on YouTube, SpotifyRSS.comGoogle Podcast, and Amazon Music, and offer monthly Healing Circles by donation.

The Peace On Earth Tour is a global peace pilgrimage undertaken by Teri Angel, founder of Angelspeakers, Inc., to promote harmony and unity around the world. Commencing on September 11, 2020, the Tour’s mission is to bring people from different cultures, religions, and backgrounds together to foster mutual understanding and respect. The tour includes spiritual gatherings, discussions, land blessings for peace and honoring the waterways of our world. For more information about the Peace On Earth Tour including videos of the land blessings, please visit

Katrin Lambert works with energetic vibration transformation. She tracks down all unknown root causes of her clients’ challenges, and then transforms the dissonance of the problem with the client’s system in light speed. Learn more at and contact Katrin at

Heather Elizabeth is the Founder and Steward of SHINE: Supporting Humanity In Navigating EVOLution. SHINE serves as a SACRED container for the alchemical process of the personal and planetary TRANSFORMATION at hand. The IMAGINE PEACE Promise Alliance is a sector of SHINE that is devoted to cultivating inner and outer PEACE through the building of Beloved Community, inspired by the work of Howard Thurman, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King, and Thich Nhat Hanh. Join in their Earth Day 2024 initiative to make Earth Day an International Holiday! Take the day off of work on Aprill 22nd and gather in commUNITY to be of service to our Mother Earth. Stay connected about this initiative by visiting

Tammy Martin has been working with local health practitioners in a pod format to share what we all know about wellness and setting it up into a brain trust. This is going to be one central document that we will all use as a resource guide to maintain our health. It’ll have protocols and links in it to existing resources like books, PDFs, websites, etc. The goal is to empower the reader to see different options and let them choose for themselves what resonates the most. Once that document is complete, we will likely work on a first-aid brain trust afterwards. To connect with Tammy email her here…

Trish Murray has been co-creating with the Divine since 2012, after coming to feel like her work/business had lost any real sense of ’soul’. She began looking at specific insights using Human Design, Astrology and Numerology from her entrepreneur clients and identifying their unique ’soul style’. As she merged their ’style’ with five foundational areas that create and sustain business growth she started to really see and FEEL her clients’ alignment and achievement, in a very natural, soulful way. A great starting point for the curious is a personalized Soul Drivers Guide; four foundational insights from your human design, astrology and numerology that shine a light on what moves us at a soul level. Connect with Trish here…

If any of the above projects or offerings resonates, please don’t hesitate to connect with these AWE-mazing women. They would love to hear from you!

And if you’re interested in joining a Sacred Co-Creation Circle, I’ll be sure to let you know when new ones are forming.

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

P.S. Enjoy this wisdom from circle member Janice Dolley…

I am being shown that all our small groupings that meet to meditate, share creative thoughts, and hold a high vision, do all link at a fourth dimensional level. And just as dark forces create and are affected by astral entities and generate energies of a negative kind some call loosh, so too all those working for Spirit, for love, beauty, goodness, and truth are contributing to a subtle field that angelic and other higher realms can use for their own undertakings to assist us.”


The Bigger Questions

  • February 29, 2024
  • Lis Williams

I hope you’re well and that the new year has been good to you so far. I haven’t... Continue Reading

I hope you’re well and that the new year has been good to you so far. I haven’t been in touch for awhile as I chose to take some down time in January to relax and reflect. However, it was not the complete escape I was hoping for as there is always so much happening. So I extended my retreat into February and, lo and behold, another month has already passed.

You may recall that last year was a significant year of transition for me. To recap, my youngest son graduated from college, my husband retired, we sold our home, and moved from Chicago to Greenville, South Carolina. And here we are, six months in and still living in an apartment while the bulk of our belongings are in storage. So why haven’t we found our new home? Great question!

First, I think my husband and I both needed to exhale after such a significant transition. Having owned three different homes in the past 30 years, it feels kind of nice to not have that responsibility.

And we have loved living in a small city (with a big city vibe). Just steps from our door we can find delicious food, theatre, music, and shopping. There’s also a gorgeous waterfall in the center of town and a bike path that winds through nature. Hiking in the mountains is just a short car drive away.

But I think consciously, or subconsciously, there’s another force at play. I just don’t think I am ready to commit to buying a home so far away from where my boys live. So why did we move in the first place?

Well…about a year ago our oldest son moved to California and our youngest was planning to apply to medical schools all over the country. So realizing there was no reason to stay in Chicago and wait for them to visit us, we expanded our horizons.

After much searching, we were guided back to the Carolinas where we had lived when our children were young. We had always loved the mountains, so we set out to find our new home close to the vortex near Asheville, North Carolina. But when we stumbled upon nearby Greenville, South Carolina, we felt like we’d found a little slice of heaven.

Fast forward, here we are in our small apartment in Greenville, loving the mild climate and the beauty of the mountains, the happy and friendly people, and the aforementioned abundance of things to do.

But here’s the thing. After we had already made the move, my oldest son decided to move back to Chicago to attend grad school. And my youngest son is now considering medical school in the Midwest. Hello? Could you not have made these decisions before we packed up the truck and moved our belongings south?

I know you parents of older children are laughing and saying, “Never plan your life around your children because the likelihood of them staying put is slim to none.” I know of more than one instance of a couple buying a home where their children lived only to have the children move soon thereafter.

But there’s another piece to this puzzle that invites reflection. I didn’t choose to leave Chicago just because my children were no longer there. I chose to leave because the energy of life had grown stagnant.

Once the boys moved away our home just wasn’t the same. It was too quiet. Too many empty rooms filled with memories. I felt like even the house wanted us to leave so a new family with little children could move in.

The neighborhood that was perfect for raising children where they could safely play outside and walk or ride bikes to school and the parks, made me miss them even more. I would pass the soccer fields where my boys played or hear the high school band that my son participated in practicing, and I’d get a knot in my stomach wondering how it all went by so fast.

I just felt like if I stayed there a part of me would die.

The nice, neat package of a life I had created felt comfortable but too confining now. I needed to step into a new chapter where I could be fully alive once again.

Even though this new path was filled with uncertainty, I felt my Soul calling me to expand and take a leap of faith. So, I leapt!

Here’s the thing…I still miss my boys A LOT! I miss not just them, but the life we shared as a family unit for so many years. And despite the advice of other parents, I do plan to move to wherever they land once they’re married and have children.

This leap has invited me to process through a deep level of grief with the possibility of arriving at a greater understanding of my relationship with my boys and my role as “mom” now that they’re grown.

But the leap has also resulted in a huge burst of new, live-giving energy. I literally feel a higher frequency here. I’m not sure if it’s the close proximity to the vortex or just a more positive approach to life in this area. Whatever it is, I don’t want to leave it!

I’m curious to discover what adventures my Soul wants to take…

* Who am I now when the roles I’ve played are shifting?

* What spiritual depths and heights are waiting to be explored?

* What is my Sacred Mission for this chapter of my life?

* What is the Universe asking of me?

* What do I most deeply desire?

And the all-important question, when will I get to move my things out of storage and into my new home?

At this time on the planet, when there is so much suffering, chaos, and uncertainty, we’re all being invited to ask the bigger questions and play our part in finding the answers.

Don’t be afraid of the darkness – the void. It’s not a tomb. It’s a womb where a new creation is being birthed!

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

P.S. There’s so much Co-Creation happening. I can’t wait to share more with you soon.

Where are the Women?

  • February 22, 2024
  • Lis Williams

A mother’s grief. Is there any more powerful emotion on the planet? I can think of only one. A... Continue Reading

A mother’s grief. Is there any more powerful emotion on the planet? I can think of only one.

A mother’s love.

We haven’t all birthed or mothered children. But we all are born of a mother.

And most of us have felt the deep love and nurturing that our mother provided. We know how she cared for us and worried about us and wanted only our safety and happiness.

We’ve known mothers who have lost children and we’ve seen how the pain never goes away. The hole in their heart cannot possibly be filled. A missing piece that can never be replaced.

Perhaps you’ve seen the heart-wrenching video on social media of a woman whose son was killed at the musical festival in Israel. When she learned that her son’s name had been painted on a missile to be used in the war she couldn’t imagine another mother suffering as she has. Instead, she is choosing love over revenge.

No mother should have to send her child to war – hoping and praying they return unharmed. For no one can go to war and, even if they do return, be untouched by what they experienced. They are forever haunted by the images. Forever changed, hardened even, by these crimes against humanity.

The past few months have crystalized the urgent need for women to come together and raise our individual and collective voice to end the perpetual pattern of war and violence which has caused so much pain and suffering over many centuries. Women are one half of humanity and yet our voices are not heard sufficiently to end this insanity.

Must we remain enslaved to this devastating pattern? No!

In this challenging, yet auspicious, time many are asking, “Where are the women?” They’re right here!

We invite you to join us for an important panel discussion entitled Women in Service to Love and Life.

You’ll meet 11 women who are whole-heartedly engaged in sacred activism so Love and Life triumph over fear, hatred, and despair.

This inspiring, hopeful, and profound conversation includes mothers and grandmothers, authors and musicians, peace activists, Indigenous wisdom keepers, and spiritual teachers. All share the Sacred Mission of ushering in the Divine Feminine and raising the consciousness of humanity to midwife a New Earth based in Peace, Love and Harmony.

Join us Wednesday, December 13th at 3:00 PM ET/8:00 PM GMT/6:00 AM AEDT live on Unity.Earth/TV for this free event.

No need to register – just click this link to join…Unity.Earth/TV

It’s time for the Voice of Women to be heard and heeded!

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

Light in the Darkness

  • February 22, 2024
  • Lis Williams

Last weekend I experienced something I never expected or desired to. I was a spectator at the Chicago... Continue Reading

Last weekend I experienced something I never expected or desired to. I was a spectator at the Chicago Marathon. It’s not that I have anything against marathoners. It was just never an interest of mine.

My son, Ty, is an athlete who after playing elite soccer in high school chose to pursue running as a new passion. As someone who gives his all to anything he attempts, it’s not surprising he would end up running a marathon. But this email is not about Ty or me.

It’s about the magical experience that happens on race day and how that might inspire us in these challenging times.

Let’s begin with the 50,000 individuals who chose to run. I’m not talking about 50,000 athletes, although there were certainly quite a few present that day. I’m talking about the majority of runners who are regular people and for whom this goes far beyond just a physical challenge. It’s the ultimate mental challenge. They have decided to step outside their comfort zone, push their limits, and find out if they have the strength in mind, body, and spirit to run 26 miles in less than 6 hours. Can they tap into their super-human abilities that lie dormant and discover the truth of what they’re made of?

Well amazingly, the vast majority of them did!

But that’s just the beginning. While my son and his friend ran the marathon, I joined the 1.5 million spectators. But the term spectator is really a misnomer. It would be much better to call them fans, supporters or cheerleaders. Because these 1.5 million people weren’t lined up along the streets of Chicago for 26 miles just to watch. They were shouting words of encouragement, ringing cow bells, playing musical instruments, and cheering wildly for every runner on the course. Sure, many of them were there to see family and friends who were running – but in neighborhoods across the city people who didn’t know a single runner came out in droves to lend their support. Support which is absolutely critical to the likelihood of a runner’s success.

So why on earth would I share this story following a week when the world has been shocked yet again by the utter evil and depravity that is rising on our planet and causing immense pain and suffering?

Because what I saw last Sunday in Chicago was the Light that is the truth of our being.

It was the Light that gave runners the courage and stamina to face immense challenge and arrive victorious at the finish line.

It was the Light that encouraged 1.5 million people to put aside other tasks and responsibilities to come out and support family, friends, and strangers to rise above all perceived physical and mental limitations that keep us playing small.

It was the Light that deemed this event as a fundraiser for multiple non-profit organizations who received a wealth of donations raised by each of the participants.

It’s that Light that we need now more than ever and which seems so distant.

But what if we could IMAGINE a new way forward together!

What if for every 50,000 of our sisters and brothers who are trapped in war and violence in the Middle East – 1.5 million or more “Lightworkers” were donating resources, sending healing energy, and meditating for Peace on Earth.

What if for every 50,000 of our sisters and brothers who are battling pain and suffering in Ukraine and Russia – 1.5 million or more “Wayshowers” were volunteering our time, praying, and intending for a Rise in Consciousness.

What if for every 50,000 of our sisters and brothers who are caring for the sick and dying; teaching our children; promoting equality for all; fighting to end human trafficking; preserving our precious Mother Gaia – what if for every 50,000 there were 1.5 million or more “Starseeds” providing support and encouragement and cheering wildly for the opportunity to Co-Create a New Earth.

And what if there are infinite numbers of our ancestors, angels, saints, ascended masters, soul family, and ethereal beings supporting, encouraging, and cheering wildly for all of us who have chosen to incarnate during this most challenging and auspicious time in our history. To overcome all of the illusions that have led us to believe we’re anything less than Divine – and to restore our precious planet to the Eden it was always meant to be.

There are!

Whether you choose to be a participant or spectator – we need you NOW! Let’s finish this marathon together.

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

P.S. Ty and Brady raised money for the ALS Foundation in honor of Brady’s dad, Dan, who recently passed.

Evolutionary Messages of Peace from around the World

  • February 22, 2024
  • Lis Williams

Peace Week is in full swing and what an event it has been. I just wrapped up two... Continue Reading

Peace Week is in full swing and what an event it has been. I just wrapped up two panels yesterday that were so inspiring and engaging. I hope you’ve been able to join us!

But we’re not through yet. Peace Week continues through September 23rd and you can find all the presentations here…

Anne Baring and I have had an incredible experience convening a total of four gatherings during the 99 Days of Peace through Unity. We’ve met so many amazing individuals who have dedicated their lives to bringing forth Peace on Earth. So where do we go from here?

On Friday, September 22nd, at 12:30 pm ET, my dear friend and colleague, Sheila Cash, will host our Co-Creation Circle of Peace. In addition to myself and Anne, we will be joined by a panel of peace organizers, advocates and boosters doing valuable work around the world on behalf of humanity. Anne will pass on messages from realms beyond of evolutionary consciousness and purpose that have been the foundation of her life’s work. Panel speakers include: Steve Gardiner, Heather Elizabeth Neary, Sarida Brown, Janice Dolley, Teri Miller & Marbeth Dunn, Paolo Morley-Fletcher and Rev. Laura George.

Be inspired by the kaleidoscope of efforts for peace happening now!

To join the live call please register here to receive the zoom link…

Or you can watch the event live on FB or Unity Earth TV…

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

Peace Week 2023

  • February 22, 2024
  • Lis Williams

​Peace Week 2023 is days away! The flurry and activity that is unfolding is staggering. Events from Time Square... Continue Reading

Peace Week 2023 is days away! The flurry and activity that is unfolding is staggering. Events from Time Square to Tokyo, Ecuador to Egypt are deep in preparations, each one of these celebrations is epic and profound in its own way. Taken together, as a whole, the orchestration is nothing less than stupendous.

Peace Week ( is a worldwide collaboration, a celebration, a convergence with a global broadcast. Featuring deep ceremonies, multiple film premiers, book launches, extraordinary panel discussions, studio broadcasts and amazing musicians and artists from around the World, Peace Week 2023 is sure to take us to a place we’ve never been before.

And we are thrilled to be participating!

During the 99 Days of Peace, Anne Baring and I have hosted three gatherings spotlighting women-led peace initiatives through discussions with our circle leaders and participants.

Now we’re so excited to host an inspiring conversation with my dear friends and teachers from Mary Magdalene’s School in Vezelay, France, where I spent a week on retreat this past July.

In 2020, Anna Vanickova and Petra Brussen were called by Mary Magdalene and Jeshua into a channel of spiritual consciousness, which they began to discover over a period of 3-5 years through intense daily spiritual work. Guidance form the light realms opened innumerable fields of cosmic consciousness, Libraries of Light that have been inaccessible to humanity since the Fall of Consciousness. Teachings shared through this channel are living knowledge which awaken layers of soul memory through codes, resonance, remembrance and unity consciousness. They are deeply supportive to humanity as tools to anchor in the higher, New Earth Consciousness.

On Wednesday, September 20th, at 11:00 am ET, we invite you to learn more about the Consciousness of Peace. This is a far cry from the consciousness we have been living in for thousands of years. A destructive consciousness that has programmed us through fear and manipulation. But no longer.

A great healing is occurring on the planet. A healing that leads to inner and outer peace, love, and harmony. Join us to discover the tools and practices available that support the process of Awakening and Co-Creation of the New Earth.

Follow this link to learn more…

No need to register in advance. Just use this zoom link or watch live on Unity Earth TV on Wednesday, June 20th, at 11:00 am ET

Join us in Room One –

Watch it Live on UNITY EARTH TV –

Peace is possible! And it all begins with you!

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

What Happens When Women Converge?

  • February 22, 2024
  • Lis Williams

This week I have the honor of being a hostess for the Women’s Village at the Parliament of... Continue Reading

This week I have the honor of being a hostess for the Women’s Village at the Parliament of World Religions being held in Chicago. The Women’s Village is the creative genius of my dear friend and colleague, Sande Hart, founder of S.A.R.A.H. She, along with many others, has brought this beautiful creation to life to demonstrate what happens when women converge. Hint – it’s powerful!

When Anne Baring and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on the planet, we knew it would not be an easy task. But we also knew that if we gathered the women – it would be an unstoppable force for good.

What began as an attempt to try to awaken the hearts of mothers and grandmothers to put an end to this “barbarous sacrificial ritual” by saying “This Stops Now” has expanded to include all of humanity, for we need everyone to come together if we hope to succeed.

This is a movement that impacts all of us. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your race, culture, religion, politics – war and violence deeply affect you.

You have a vested interest in and an inherent right to enjoy a life that is free from suffering!

As the Divine Feminine Rises on the planet, we recognize the power in forming collaborations with others who are awakened and committed to co-creating a New Future for all.

That’s why we have scheduled a total of 4 gatherings during the 99 Days of Peace. Our first was held in June and included presentations from women leading the way toward New Earth including Anneloes Smitsman, Heather Elizabeth Neary, Teri Angel, MarBeth Dunn, Laura George, and Sheila Cash. The second gathering was held in July with offerings from Sommer Joy Ramer, Irina Morrison, and Steve Gardiner. If you missed the event here’s a link to the recording…

Passcode: eZfiZ$08

Our next gathering is Tuesday, August 29th, at 10:00 am CDT/4:00 pm BST. Here’s the Zoom link…

Our guest speakers include Paolo Morley-Fletcher, Sarida Brown, and Janice Dolley . We’ll also be discussing the channeled messages from Anne Baring’s new book, Messages from a Transcendent DimensionSo be sure to order your copy from Amazon.

We invite you to join this powerful movement whose time has come:

A Woman-Led Movement to end all war and violence on the planet and establish Peace on Earth

It’s a great opportunity to discover how you can begin right now, during this most AWE-spicious time on the planet, to be part of the Soul-utionPlease join us and invite others!​

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

P.S. The artwork in this email is on display in the Women’s Village. The tapestry below is entitled, “The Israeli and Palestinian Women’s Quilt for Peace and Healing”. It has traveled the world and was lovingly crafted in Jerusalem by 72 women as a symbol of Hope. It is a tactile and visual testimonial to the powerful peaceful collaboration of women of different faiths in one of the most conflict-ridden areas of the world.

The EARTHwise Game

  • February 22, 2024
  • Lis Williams

Have you wondered if there is a more effective way to engage, empower, and inspire people for the... Continue Reading

Have you wondered if there is a more effective way to engage, empower, and inspire people for the changes that are necessary to shift our world from collapse to thriving?

As a member of the EARTHwise Alliance for building a new and planetary civilization, I’m delighted to share with you a gameful way for doing so. This open-world immersive action game is currently in development and designed to empower youth and young adults to become game-changers for our world in transformation.

The game is based on the EARTHwise Constitution and designed to blend cutting-edge technologies, ethical AI-integrations, and consciousness enhancing narratives and actions for personal and collective transformation.

Furthermore, it will offer a unique gaming experience that merges virtual and real-life quests and challenges by crafting an immersive world experience that seamlessly combines adventure, creativity, imagination, and collaboration. Also, it is built through blockchain web3-based technologies so that part of the game revenues can be allocated to gamers in support of their proposed solutions for addressing the greatest challenges of our time.

If you’d like to learn more you can watch this video and join the free webinars that EARTHwise Centre is hosting to raise awareness by visiting:

To support the development for the first game prototype, visit:

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

Co-Creation Circle for Peace

  • February 22, 2024
  • Lis Williams

When Anne Baring and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on... Continue Reading

When Anne Baring and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on the planet, we knew it would not be an easy task. But we felt compelled to say “Yes” and trust the guidance we were receiving from the Higher Realms.

Since that time, Anne has published her mother’s channeled messages that she began receiving in 1943 during World War II, and which continued for 25 years. They repeatedly warned of a catastrophe if humanity did not change course and if men did not desist from further interference with nature and the creation of ever more deadly weapons, including nuclear and biological weapons. The book is available on Amazon and titled, Messages from a Transcendent Dimension.

What began as an attempt to try to awaken the hearts of mothers and grandmothers to put an end to this “barbarous sacrificial ritual” by saying “This Stops Now” has expanded to include all of humanity, for we need everyone to come together if we hope to succeed.

This is a movement that impacts all of us. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your race, culture, religion, politics – war and violence deeply affect you.

You have a vested interest in and an inherent right to enjoy a life that is free from suffering!

As the Divine Feminine Rises on the planet, we recognize the power in forming collaborations with others who are awakened and committed to co-creating a New Future for all.

That’s why we have scheduled a total of 4 gatherings during the 99 Days of Peace. Our first was held in June and included presentations from women leading the way toward New Earth including Anneloes Smitsman, Heather Elizabeth Neary, Teri Angel, MarBeth Dunn, Laura George, and Sheila Cash. If you missed the event here’s a link to the recording…
Passcode: Kc@0JZ#W

Our next gathering is Monday, July 31st, at 10:00 am CDT/4:00 pm BST. Here’s the Zoom link…

Our guest speakers include Sommer Joy Ramer from the SINE Network, Irina Morrison from Unity Earth, and Steve Gardiner presenting the Peace Mantra. We’ll have plenty of time for audience participation and receive updates from our circle leaders.

We invite you to join this powerful movement whose time has come:

A Woman-Led Movement to end all war and violence on the planet and establish Peace on Earth.

It’s a great opportunity to discover how you can begin right now, during this most AWE-spicious time on the planet, to be part of the Soul-ution. Please join us and invite others!

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

The Accidental Peace Activist

  • February 22, 2024
  • Lis Williams

When Anne and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on the... Continue Reading

When Anne and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on the planet, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. We just knew we had to say “Yes”, and trust the guidance we were receiving from the Higher Realms.

We also knew that we would not be in this alone. For as the Divine Feminine Rises on the planet, we recognize the power in forming collaborations with others who are awakened and committed to co-creating a New Future for all.

One of those individuals is our dear friend and colleague, Anneloes Smitsman. Anneloes is the genius behind and architect of the beautiful EARTHwise Pledges for a Planetary Civilization, which are based on her EARTHwise Constitution and help to create, align, and upshift our missions and actions so we can collaboratively take on the greatest challenges of our time. Think of them as a roadmap guiding us on the path, and freely available for us all to work with and adjust to our unique contexts.

Anneloes will be sharing more about these remarkable tools during our live gathering this Wednesday, June 28th, at 11:00 EDT/4:00 BST. Please join us here…

In addition, Anne and I will share more about our Urgent Call to All Humanity: War and Violence Stops Now! And we’ll be inviting other women who are leading peace initiatives to share their missions.

It’s a great opportunity to discover how you can begin right now, during this most AWE-spicious time on the planet, to be part of the Soul-ution to ending all war and violence and restoring Peace on Earth.

Please join us!

With Love,

Lis & Anne

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!