“In the first half of life, we wrestle with the devil.

In the second half of life, we wrestle with God.”

Ron Rolheiser

When I was early in my spiritual journey I loved the quote above, but recently I’ve discovered that it’s incomplete. There’s another way we wrestle in life that is far more daunting and it’s not “out there”. It’s within.

During the summer Olympics I was watching a tennis match between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. While they were playing the announcer was relaying a conversation she had with Nadal where she asked him who was the toughest competitor he’d ever played. His answer was, “Myself. It was always myself.”

Can you relate to that? I sure can. And the older I get, the more clearly I see this.

The thing or things that have held me back weren’t my upbringing, or schooling, or career opportunities. How rich or poor I was, whether I was healthy or not, or where I lived. It wasn’t my depth of spirituality, how kind or cruel I was, or how hard I tried.

The thing that always held me back, and still does at times, is whether I believe in the depths of my heart and soul that I CAN do it or have it, that I deserve it, and that I get to decide the outcome.

It’s not uncommon for many of us to fall into the pattern of the “Wounded Feminine”, the victim, a powerless being whose fate lies in the hands of some unseen go-between who decides whether or not we’re successful. Who is worthy and who isn’t. Whether luck or fate is on our side.

In truth, we want to blame someone or something else because it’s easier that way. It’s easier to believe it’s out of our hands. Because the alternative is to have to look in the mirror and get brutally honest with ourselves. And that can be terrifying.

If we dare to dive deep into our psyche, what might we find? If we explore the stories, belief systems, and cultural norms and expectations that have been thrust upon us by our family, community, and society, what happens when it all starts to crumble?

What happens is we’re left with ourself. Our authentic self.

And then we have to ask the question, “Is she everything I want to her be? Am I everything I desire to be?”

Whew! That’s some deep stuff, isn’t it? I told you we’d have to get brutally honest.

But that doesn’t mean this should be an exercise in self-degradation. On the contrary, this is an invitation to step more fully into your magnificence.

Because the truth is, no matter who you are, where you’re from, how you were raised, how wealthy you are, your gender, color, or race, YOU ARE WORTHY!

You are worthy of making all your dreams come true. Of co-creating your reality in a way that is even better than you ever imagined.

Why? Because you are not the wounded feminine. You, dear SiStar, are the Divine Feminine!

A sovereign be-ing who incarnated on this planet to remember the Truth and to share your Love and Light with a hurting world.

Most days, though, it’s not easy because our mind loves to play games with us. Make us think we don’t have what it takes and that our best efforts will never be enough. That the cards are stacked against us. That someone, somewhere else is destined to win a competition we never signed up for.

The soul-ution to this madness is to see beyond the lies and illusions – the matrix – and rise above and into a higher frequency of living.

Your purpose in life is to awaken to and live out your Highest Expression!

A being who is so breathtakingly unique that absolutely no one in the galaxy is exactly like you and can do precisely what you’re meant to do.

Once you begin to live in this Highest Expression of Love and Light that you are, it is absolutely impossible for you not to step fully into your destiny and live a life of your dreams.

Here’s the thing – if we want to overcome the darkness we see out in the world – we have to stop wrestling with the demons and Gods out there and go within. Take all those wounds and fears and worries, wrap them in your loving arms, and rock them to sleep in the space of your compassionate heart. Thank them for trying to protect you and let them know that it’s safe for them to dissolve now. Then release them.

And from this new, lighter and higher vibrational space let your wings unfold and fly free as the Goddess you are.

What do you say we soar together to new heights and inspire others to do the same? For this is what the world needs. This is why we’re here. This is our Destiny! It’s time.

Be bold. Be Daring.

Be AWE-dacious!