Cyprus, Priestesses, and Mystery School Teachings
At the end of October, I had the incredible opportunity to visit Cyprus for a retreat with Mary Magdalene’s... Continue Reading
Holy Yes or Hell No!
It seems like no matter how hard I try to simplify my life and manage my commitments, my... Continue Reading
Who are you wrestling with?
“In the first half of life, we wrestle with the devil. In the second half of life, we... Continue Reading
Miracle Consciousness
July has been a really challenging month for me personally. There have been health challenges for myself and... Continue Reading
What’s in a Name?
When I had the idea to write a blog post about my “new name”, I thought it would... Continue Reading
The Blueprint of your Destiny
I’m sure many of you would agree that our unique Destiny path is rarely a straight line, and oftentimes... Continue Reading
Kogi Prophecy: What Does it Mean for Humanity?
In November, 2023, the Kogi (Kaggabba) brought to the Fountain team, led by my dear friend and colleague,... Continue Reading
Sacred Co-Creation Circles
For years I’ve been dreaming of bringing women together in circle for a higher purpose. I was originally... Continue Reading
The Bigger Questions
I hope you’re well and that the new year has been good to you so far. I haven’t... Continue Reading