At the end of October, I had the incredible opportunity to visit Cyprus for a retreat with Mary Magdalene’s Mystery School. It was by far the best retreat I’ve experienced for so many reasons.
First, why attend a spiritual retreat? Personally, I seek out retreat opportunities that provide an immersion in the high frequency energies of the location. That’s why you hear of so many people wanting to visit Sedona and Mt. Shasta in the U.S., Machu Pichu in Peru, Glastonbury in the UK, the pyramids in Egypt, and Uluru in Australia. These sites are energy vortexes where the veils between this world and the higher realms are thinner. As a result, one is more likely to experience openings or awakenings that they might not otherwise have.
So why Cyprus? Through channeled messages Anna & Petra, founders of Mary Magdalene’s School, learned that Mary Magdalene held yearly gatherings on Cyprus at Joseph of Arimathea’s estate. It was there that she could express her authentic voice to her Family of Love. Through her pure transmissions in these annual gatherings, she brought Wisdom to the earthly realm. This was where her secret teachings on Oneness & Peace were preserved within the Hearts of the Soul Family and in the very Soul of Cyprus. During the final gathering on Cyprus, around year 38 CE, Mary Magdalene expressed a pivotal message on Love and Oneness. This is an excerpt from her final words:
“When we all meet again, perhaps in other lives with other faces, we will recognize this golden energy and know that we have connected again with the great Family of Love.”
Which leads to the second reason I love to attend spiritual retreats – the opportunity to connect and reconnect with Soul Family. I spend so much of my time at home interacting with friends and colleagues around the world via Zoom. In the deep work we’re doing together, we develop very close bonds. But it’s just not the same as being together in person to embrace each other and connect in an even deeper way. Many of us, in fact, believe we have been together in previous lifetimes and have been called back together for a sacred purpose.
We are being asked now to support Mother Earth and all her Creation. As Mother Earth purifies herself with the help of her children, and humanity remembers Oneness Consciousness, we will all together move into the anticipated Age of Light. As we remember our divine heritage, and we move out of personality-based creation, which creates karma, we remember soul co-creation. Perhaps most importantly, we start to remember the place inside of ourselves where we are One with Source.
But there’s more. If you’ve been following my blog posts, you might recall that I’ve been very drawn to the Priestess Path. After learning of the Rise of the Divine Feminine and it’s potential to impact the lives of women and men in an extraordinary way, I felt drawn to learn more about the Priestesses and Temples of Ancient Egypt. Could they, and Mary Magdalene, hold a key to the “re-powerment” of women on the planet today? The answer I discovered is most assuredly, YES! Through some personal healing work, I saw that part of my sacred mission is to restore what was lost in ancient times when the patriarchy dishonored the feminine and desecrated all they held sacred.
While in Cyprus, I co-officiated a ceremony at the Hathor Temple, which was a profound experience for all of our retreat family. Much healing occurred at many levels as we remembered and reconnected with our ancient lineage. This experience, and all of the rich experiences of the retreat, solidified the belief that we must come together regularly to be nourished, supported, and then sent out to do the work for which we’ve come.
So how does one spend 10 days in this sacred container and then land back in Greenville, South Carolina? Back to life as usual? Well, it’s not life as usual. For one cannot possibly engage in this type of work without being completely transformed.
What is clear to me is that Restoring the Temple is an invitation to each of us to Restore the Sacredness of our Body Temple. To remember our Divinity. That we are so much more than flesh and bones. We are Divinity in a body having a 3-D experience. And the Rising Consciousness on the planet is our opportunity to draw back the veil of what we have come to believe separates us from our True Self and Source. To realize that separation is and always has been an illusion.
Moreover, Restoring the Priestesses (and Priests) has nothing to do with formalized religion. This, too, is an opportunity to remember our sacred heritage and mission.
We need Priestesses now more than ever who…
- Lead from the Heart and the Soul
- Rise above the Chaos & Insanity
- See past the Illusions
- Maintain a Higher Perspective
- Are masters of the “Middle Way”
- Alchemize 3-D Lead to 5-D Gold
- Stand as Pillars of Love & Light
- Bring Heaven to Earth
We need Priestesses in our homes. Priestesses in our schools. Priestesses as healers and caregivers. Priestesses as bankers, lawyers, and entrepreneurs. Priestesses in our boardrooms and government institutions. Priestesses caring for Mother Earth, the animal kingdom, and the air we breathe, water we drink, food we consume.
Priestesses as Leaders in all walks of life Co-Creating the way forward to a New Earth!
Is this resonating with you? Are you feeling the call to go deeper on your Spiritual Journey and step more fully into your own Sacred Mission? As a Priestess or Priest? Lightworker, Starseed, or Wayshower?
If so, I invite you to explore a new online course offering from Mary Magdalene’s Mystery School that I will be leading beginning in January. It’s for anyone who hears the call to be a leader of Sacred Co-Creation.
If you’d like to learn more, please join us for a free webinar on Sunday, November 17, at 2:00 pm EST. We’ll share more about the course and answer all of your questions. And if you can’t attend live, we’ll send a recording.
Don’t wait any longer to step onto your path of Awakening to your True Self and bringing forth your Sacred Mission!
Be bold. Be Daring.
Be AWE-dacious!
Sending so much love! Bliss