For years I’ve been dreaming of bringing women together in circle for a higher purpose. I was originally going to call them AWE-thentic Impact Circles, as they would bring forth the inner work we were doing to be our True Self and take that out into the world to make our impact.
Over time as I grew in my Sacred Mission, I came to discover that what we’re being invited to is even more magnificent and powerful.
It’s the beautiful act of Sacred Co-Creation with ourselves, our soul family, and the ethereal realms.
It’s the way it was always meant to be and it’s what we’re remembering now.
I began gathering the women last fall with the creation of the first circle and then added the second in January. I have a general idea of how I see these evolving; however, I am very open to letting them unfold in the way we’re being guided.
We gather monthly and begin by connecting in with each other. I then share a short teaching to inspire us to expand our thinking beyond the conditioning we’ve all received as occupants of this planet. We’re encouraged to explore Soul-utions to the challenges we’re currently facing and to dream into a New Earth and New Future for all. Together, we create an intention and then take this into our communal meditation.
The response so far is very positive. It’s an opportunity to step away from the narratives we’re bombarded with daily and to instead find a more hopeful path forward. It also provides each of us with the support, nurturing, and guidance we need to navigate these challenging times with more ease, flow, and grace.
Here’s what I know…
We are all here for a unique purpose and it’s a gift, and responsibility, to be able to fulfill our destiny.
We can either keep focusing on what’s breaking down or begin the adventure of co-creating the New. I think you can guess where I’m putting my energy.
Let me give you just a taste of some of the AWE-mazing creations being brought forth by members of our circles…
Dr Anne Baring is the author and co-author of 8 books, among them The Myth of the Goddess, The Divine Feminine and The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul. In July she published Messages from a Transcendent Dimension, the messages received by her mother from 1943 to 1968. She is currently working on her final book: The Holy Spirit: the Forgotten Feminine Aspect of God. The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic, and artistic traditions of different cultures. Her focus for fifty years has been on the restoration of the feminine archetype and the freeing of women in those cultures where their lives are constrained by men. Her websites are devoted to a new vision of reality and the choice that lies before us as a species. She hopes the women of the world will come together to eliminate war and the endless preparations for future wars. Learn more here… and
Sheila Cash, Founder of Evolve Your Life, LLC facilitates global gatherings through the “Super Conscious Think Tank”. Participants from around the globe meditate deeply into the energy of and the catalysts to peace and dozens of other topics facing humanity today. Sheila also teaches both privately one-on-one and through group programs the skills of the Future Human, who we need to be and what will serve us best as we lean into our rapidly evolving world. For inquiries to participate, contact Sheila at:
MarBeth Dunn and Teri Angel are founders and directors of Ten Million for World Peace (, a 501(c)(3) organization. Their mission is to gather 10 million individuals in a Unified Field of Consciousness to meditate for world peace, with a special focus on world leaders, so they can lead the planet with greater awareness and integrity into peace and harmony. To that end, they lead daily 7-minute guided meditations at 1:11 pm Eastern. In addition, they host the Imagine Peace Podcast on YouTube, Spotify,, Google Podcast, and Amazon Music, and offer monthly Healing Circles by donation.
The Peace On Earth Tour is a global peace pilgrimage undertaken by Teri Angel, founder of Angelspeakers, Inc., to promote harmony and unity around the world. Commencing on September 11, 2020, the Tour’s mission is to bring people from different cultures, religions, and backgrounds together to foster mutual understanding and respect. The tour includes spiritual gatherings, discussions, land blessings for peace and honoring the waterways of our world. For more information about the Peace On Earth Tour including videos of the land blessings, please visit
Katrin Lambert works with energetic vibration transformation. She tracks down all unknown root causes of her clients’ challenges, and then transforms the dissonance of the problem with the client’s system in light speed. Learn more at and contact Katrin at
Heather Elizabeth is the Founder and Steward of SHINE: Supporting Humanity In Navigating EVOLution. SHINE serves as a SACRED container for the alchemical process of the personal and planetary TRANSFORMATION at hand. The IMAGINE PEACE Promise Alliance is a sector of SHINE that is devoted to cultivating inner and outer PEACE through the building of Beloved Community, inspired by the work of Howard Thurman, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King, and Thich Nhat Hanh. Join in their Earth Day 2024 initiative to make Earth Day an International Holiday! Take the day off of work on Aprill 22nd and gather in commUNITY to be of service to our Mother Earth. Stay connected about this initiative by visiting
Tammy Martin has been working with local health practitioners in a pod format to share what we all know about wellness and setting it up into a brain trust. This is going to be one central document that we will all use as a resource guide to maintain our health. It’ll have protocols and links in it to existing resources like books, PDFs, websites, etc. The goal is to empower the reader to see different options and let them choose for themselves what resonates the most. Once that document is complete, we will likely work on a first-aid brain trust afterwards. To connect with Tammy email her here…
Trish Murray has been co-creating with the Divine since 2012, after coming to feel like her work/business had lost any real sense of ’soul’. She began looking at specific insights using Human Design, Astrology and Numerology from her entrepreneur clients and identifying their unique ’soul style’. As she merged their ’style’ with five foundational areas that create and sustain business growth she started to really see and FEEL her clients’ alignment and achievement, in a very natural, soulful way. A great starting point for the curious is a personalized Soul Drivers Guide; four foundational insights from your human design, astrology and numerology that shine a light on what moves us at a soul level. Connect with Trish here…
If any of the above projects or offerings resonates, please don’t hesitate to connect with these AWE-mazing women. They would love to hear from you!
And if you’re interested in joining a Sacred Co-Creation Circle, I’ll be sure to let you know when new ones are forming.
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!
P.S. Enjoy this wisdom from circle member Janice Dolley…
“I am being shown that all our small groupings that meet to meditate, share creative thoughts, and hold a high vision, do all link at a fourth dimensional level. And just as dark forces create and are affected by astral entities and generate energies of a negative kind some call loosh, so too all those working for Spirit, for love, beauty, goodness, and truth are contributing to a subtle field that angelic and other higher realms can use for their own undertakings to assist us.”