Our World Needs ChangemakHers Like You!

Uncle Sam used the phrase, “We Need You” when recruiting for the military, but I’d like to re-purpose this phrase at this critical time on the planet and invite you to focus not on fighting a war, but on creating peace as a “Change-MakHer”.

Changemaker is a term coined by the social entrepreneurship organization, Ashoka, meaning one who desires change in the world and, by gathering knowledge and resources, makes that change happen.

Yes, ma’am! That sounds like something we could use more of right about now, doesn’t it? And since you’re reading this, I know you’re either already a change-maker or you desire to become one. So, I want to do everything I can to support you on your journey.


A Rising Consciousness Around Social Change

There is a rising consciousness around social change with more and more women embracing their power to effect change through decisions in how they invest, shop, and give. (I think Rosie the Riveter would be proud of us for using our muscle for the betterment of society – don’t you?)

It’s now possible to choose a cause that is near and dear to your heart and support finding solutions by intentionally using your wealth for good. And it’s not just happening in our personal lives.

Socially conscious entrepreneurs and executives are using their business as a platform to amplify their impact by involving their team members and clients in the effort. They realize now that they can use their business as a vehicle for compassionate, loving service in the world.

Are you as excited about this as I am? I hope so!

Why I LOVE Social Enterprises – and You Should, Too!

I LOVE social enterprises and honestly believe that every business should strive to be one.  Don’t you think every business should care about not just profit but purpose as well?

Imagine the paradigm shift that would occur if this were our reality. Really think about this for just a minute. I believe we’re ready to begin making that shift and that women will play a critical role.


Are my recruiting tactics working?

Are you ready to join a powerful Movement Towards Meaning?

Be sure to join my Facebook Group called Business Women Giving Back if you haven’t already.  And be on the lookout for new programming in early 2021 including my 7 Pillars of Women’s Re-Powerment and AWE-thentic Impact Circles.

Let’s co-create the better world we know is possible!

Be Bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!