Hmmm.  Where to begin?

Let’s begin with Covid-19 and the pause that enveloped the globe.  For the first time ever, life was put on hold for everyone on the planet so we could protect ourselves, families and friends, and the most vulnerable among us.  We came together for the good of the whole because we saw ourselves at risk.

But while we were all focused on staying healthy, we continued to ignore the viruses that plague our world on an ongoing basis – the “isms”: racism, sexism, genderism, classism, ageism, etc…

What if we were to shut down our planet until we find a cure for the…

  • 3 million children who die of undernourishment each year
  • 12 million girls who are married before the age of 18
  • 40 million victims of human trafficking
  • 130 million girls who are not allowed to go to school
  • 150 million people who are homeless
  • 700 million people who live on less than $2/day
  • 800 million people who struggle with mental health

What if??

But in a world where divisiveness has become the norm, we seem unable to figure out how to shift the conversation to issues that really matter.  We don’t all agree that some things are utterly unacceptable, and that if we worked together we could make an impact.

And then, as the disease that left people “gasping for breath” begins to subside and the world starts opening up, we watch as George Floyd begs for his life with the words we’ll never forget, “I can’t breathe.”

We took to the streets with demonstrations, protests, and acts of violence in hope that the world would finally listen and insist on equality for all.

This past week, I had the opportunity to be part of an on-line conversation hosted by the SINE Network.  There were eight of us participating – four black women and four white.  It lasted 3 ½ hours.  Antoinette Rootsdawtah led us in a conversation that explored the obstacles to white allegiance which are white privilege, fragility, liberalism, and guilt.

We listened as our black sisters spoke of the racism, injustices, and inequalities they and their ancestors have endured for centuries.  And how challenging it can be to have honest conversations with white people who can’t see their own hidden biases.  They weren’t blaming, they were explaining that despite being educated and employed, changing the way they dress and do their hair, still they are not accepted as equals.  And at the end of the conversation, they asked for our support.   

“The world will be saved by the Western woman.”

– The Dalai Lama

When the Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by the Western woman”, he didn’t mean that Western women are somehow superior.  What he meant is that using the qualities of the feminine and the resources of the western world, we collectively have the ability to shift the social systems of privilege to new systems that support the common good.  Paradigm shifts in every sector of society.

That’s where we are sisters.  It’s time!

From June 20th-27th, Unity Earth will be hosting World Unity Week (  AWE Partners is honored to join with many other partners, including The SINE Network, The Shift Network, Pachamama Alliance, Humanity’s Team, and the Source of Synergy Foundation, to foster a genuine movement toward global unity.

The theme for the week is “Answering the Call”.  I have been invited to host an open session where I’ll present my latest research entitled, “Peace Through Empowerment:  7 Pillars of the Divine Feminine Rising”.  I would love for you to join in the conversation and see how you might “Answer the Call” to be part of the solution at this pivotal time on our planet.

Be bold.  Be daring.  Be AWE-dacious!


P.S.  We’ll be live on our podcast, The Broader Edge, today at 5:00 p.m. ET.  You can find us in The Broader Edge Facebook group or on Enlightened World Network.  Today we’ll be talking about how we turn our desires into action to create the world we really want.  If you can’t be with us live be sure to check out my You Tube channel for all of the recordings.