As a mission-driven entrepreneur, you don’t create a giving program for your business to make you more successful. You do it because you’re compassionate and you want to make a difference. You care about those who are hurting and about the world we are leaving for our children and grandchildren.

But did you know that becoming a purposepreneur is, in fact, one of the best things you can do for you and your business this year?

What is a Purposepreneur?

A purposepreneur is someone who recognizes that the skills she has used to become successful in business are the same skills the world needs to solve the most challenging social issues.  Using a combination of funding, brain power, networking, and entrepreneurial audacity, purposepreneurs uncover sustainable solutions that can be scaled and make a serious impact.

Moreover, as she gives back and makes a difference in the world, she is also greatly impacting her own personal and professional happiness and fulfillment.

Here are 7 reasons why:

  • Helper’s High: Psychologists have presented studies showing that giving releases endorphins that leads to a sense of euphoria. It’s called the “warm glow of altruism”. The result? You’re in a better mood and tend to be more positive when you’re generous.
  • Increases Happiness: Research has proven that giving increases your level of happiness and acts as a buffer against depression.
  • Reduces Stress: Studies show that giving makes you healthier by reducing stress and strengthening your immune system.
  • Builds Relationships: The coolest people on the planet are volunteering or working for non-profits and social enterprises – and the organizations that support them. You can’t help but be inspired and develop some amazing and lifelong friendships.
  • Team Building: As a business owner you care about the culture you are creating. Tapping into the skills and talents of your team to support a cause that is near and dear to your heart is one of the best ways to encourage team building, foster goodwill, and increase employee engagement and retention.
  • Customers Will Love You: Your customers want to purchase goods and services from companies that care about the triple bottom line: people + planet + profit.
  • Makes You More Successful: In 2009, Arthur Brooks presented a speech called “Why Giving Matters” in which he shares, “When people give more money away, they tend to prosper.”

In fact, Brooks goes on to reveal that individuals who have lower stress levels – and are positive and happy – naturally tend to be more successful. Additionally, we know that strong relationships with team members and customers leads to greater success.

Social Impact as a Way of Life

Think about it: Aren’t you more productive when you’re happy – better mood and stress levels in check? Doesn’t your business run smoothly when your team members are working collaboratively and committed to your mission?

And isn’t life more meaningful when you’re sharing the fruits of your labor and lifting up others so that they, too, can pursue their dreams?

Then being AWE-dacious and unleashing your inner purposepreneur should become a standard for your business – not just once a year, but as a way of life! Becoming a purposepreneur may just be your simple path to health, happiness, and success – while making a positive impact in the world around you.