Each spring I have the windows in my home cleaned. It’s an event I look forward to because through the winter so much dirt has built up it’s hard to see out. After the cleaning my whole view is clearer, brighter and more colorful.
I find the same thing happens when I take time to step back from the world. Whether for a long while, such as the sabbatical I took last fall, or for just 20 minutes during my morning meditation. The view is still the same, but there’s more clarity, color, and life!
The beginning of a new year, or in this case a new decade, is the perfect time to step back and re-evaluate your vision.
What’s your grander vision for life on this planet? What would you change if you could wave your magic wand and make it happen? What do you want to share with the world? Where are you meant to serve?
Here’s what I’m seeing…there’s a tsunami happening, but not in the form of a natural disaster. We as a society have lost faith in religion, healthcare, corporations, government, even Hollywood. The result is a paradigm shift occurring in every facet of life and it’s REALLY uncomfortable.
No longer can we wait for our leaders to do the right thing and make intelligent, compassionate decisions. It’s up to us now and each of us is a critical player.
If we want to change the world it’s got to happen from the inside – out and bottom – up.
What do I mean? Let’s take a look at where the shifts are already occurring…
· Religion: Houses of worship are empty and yet a rising consciousness is happening around the globe led by individuals who consider themselves spiritual but not religious.
· Healthcare: Tired of an approach to health that focuses on treating the symptoms rather than getting to the root cause of the illness and the mind/body link, informed consumers are turning to alternative and holistic medicine and practitioners.
· Business: The focus on shareholder value above all else is no longer accepted by progressive companies who recognize that long term sustainability requires management to consider Profit + People + Planet = Triple Bottom Line. And consumers want to purchase from and invest in social enterprises.
· Patriarchy: The patriarchal model of “business as usual” is being overtaken by a more feminine approach that values equality over hierarchy, cooperation over control, and compassion over indifference. And women are finding their voice and speaking out against injustices that are inexcusable and have been allowed to continue for far too long.
· Philanthropy/Social Impact: The enormity of our social challenges means non-profit organizations cannot operate in silos. They must partner with other organizations addressing the issues as well as government and business to have any chance of finding and implementing lasting solutions.
· Government: Wish I could say there are changes afoot, but sadly, this doesn’t seem to be the case with our politicians. Not in the U.S. anyway.
Although it appears as if the world is in a state of absolute chaos, I don’t see it that way. What I see is an enormous amount of opportunity to co-create the better world we dream of.
When everything is falling apart and crumbling at our feet, we can either curl up in a ball and hope it gets better soon. Or we can figure out what gifts and talents we have to share and what issues and causes we’re meant to address. Then find others who have the same calling and create partnerships and collaborations the lift everyone up. AWE Partners was founded on this principle.
Yes, there are myriad problems around the globe that require attention. But there’s also a tremendous amount of good work already happening.
Thankfully, the rise of the internet is making it easier to locate solutions and identify individuals, organizations, foundations, and others who are making the world a better place each and every day. And they need and want our support.
So where do you fit into the equation? That’s what we explore in my on-line course, Impact from the Inside Out.
Here’s what some of the participants have said…
“I enjoyed sharing what I’ve discovered with the group and hearing what they’ve learned as well. The environment was fun, relaxed, and inspiring as we brainstormed ways to help each other in developing our individual goals and plans.”
“I learned a lot with respect to being more strategic about my philanthropic endeavors. I realized being generous wasn’t enough. I was being a little lazy about my research and now understand I was supporting programs and organizations that are already overfunded. I learned how to evaluate programs so I could create more impact with my donations and talents.”
“During the course, I discovered an organization whose cause I connected with and I am now working with their Marketing Director using my expertise. As I get to know their organization even better, I may consider serving on their Board of Directors. Lis was an amazing resource to help me on this journey!”
We’ll be launching the course again this fall and we’re excited to continue the adventure with our new AWE-thentic Impact Circles in 2021. Kind of like the popular “giving circles” you might have heard of – but on steroids. Why? Because as heart-centered, mission-driven, badass women we can do so much more.
Imagine linking your mission or that of your business with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)! Does it get any better??
To stay fully engaged in the social impact space we need to align ourselves with causes and organizations that are right for us. And we get to explore not only how to give, but how to shop and invest with purpose as well.
There’s “Power in the Purse” and we hold the purse strings!
So if this new decade has inspired you to become part of the solution, I hope you’ll consider joining a circle of women ready to make their AWE-thentic Impact in the world together! We need your magnificence out there!
You can find out more here… https://awepartners.com/social-impact-course/
Be bold. Be daring. Be AWE-dacious!
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