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What’s the legal age of marriage where you live?

  • February 4, 2021
  • Lis Williams

What’s the legal age of marriage where you live?  Have you ever considered that question?  In most states in... Continue Reading

What’s the legal age of marriage where you live?  Have you ever considered that question?  

In most states in the U.S. it’s eighteen.  However, in many states it’s legal to get married if you’re younger than eighteen and your parents consent.  For example, with parental consent a girl can be married in…

Massachusetts at twelve!
New Hampshire at thirteen!
Mississippi at fifteen!

Almost every other state in the nation permits children to be married at the age of sixteen if their parent consents.

What century are we living in???

How many of you would like to see your daughter or son married at sixteen? Like they don’t have enough challenges just navigating the teen years.

Although in the United States child marriage is less common, sadly, in many parts of the world it’s accepted as normal.  And in most cases the child being married off has no say in the matter.  Anyone else think it’s time to change that?

You won’t want to miss the kick-off of our February Film Festival tomorrow at Noon CST with our first screening entitled, “Rights Not Roses:  Ending child, early, and forced marriage in Pakistan.

In this episode we meet Rukhshanda Naz, a dynamic human rights attorney and passionate advocate for ending child, early, and forced marriage. Rukhshanda shares how growing up with a mother who experienced early marriage and an elder sister who was forced to marry early informed her own experiences and continues to fuel her activism and professional life today. Rukhshanda and other activists in Pakistan are working together to challenge longstanding cultural norms, push back against religious fundamentalists, and end child, early, and forced marriage in Pakistan.

We also meet Zarmina, who experienced early marriage and safely escaped with support from Noor Education Trust, a grassroots organization that runs shelters for girls while providing legal, medical, and psychosocial services; workshops on gender-based violence and women’s rights; educational classes; and more. Zarmina’s parents arranged for her marriage at age 13 to an older man. He then physically abused her, until her parents discovered the abuse and helped remove her from the marriage.

Child, early, and forced marriage is a truly global problem that cuts across countries, cultures, religions, and ethnicities. Girls experience early marriage in every region in the world, from the Middle East to Latin America, South Asia to the US. One in five girls in the world are said to be married before 18. Over 650 million women alive today were married as children.

Child, early, and forced marriage robs girls of their freedom, education, and dreams and is a deeply entrenched practice due in part to the combination of religious fundamentalism, patriarchy, and cultural and traditional practices. There is a growing awareness among researchers and activists that control of adolescent girls’ sexuality is a driving force behind child, early, and forced marriage and unions. Controlling women’s and girls’ life choices is how the system of patriarchy is sustained.

Don’t miss this eye-opening documentary and discussion.  You are needed and Now is our time!

Be bold.  Be Daring.  Be AWE-dacious!!

P.S.  We will be hosting the Fundamental film series on Wednesdays in February.  It is a joint production from Academy Award-winning director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and the non-profit Global Fund for Women. At a time of unprecedented political uprisings around the globe, Fundamental introduces global audiences to grassroots movements and community leaders who are standing up for our fundamental human rights and working to hold governments accountable for healthier and more just societies for all.

Ready to Soar to New Heights?

  • August 31, 2020
  • Lis Williams

A couple of weeks ago I was in Colorado for a short family vacation before sending my youngest... Continue Reading

A couple of weeks ago I was in Colorado for a short family vacation before sending my youngest son back to college.  We love being out west in the winter to ski and the summer for a variety of activities including rock climbing, mountain biking, fly fishing, and whitewater rafting.  Ok I only participate in the whitewater rafting, but this year I added a new dream activity to the list – paragliding!

I seem to have a deep desire to rise above the earth.  With the existing chaos I feel this even more intensely.  We’ve tried to go hot air ballooning numerous times, but it never works out.  So this year I decided to take that as a sign and look for an alternative. 

In looking back on the experience, I see a number of parallels to what life is like or can be like if we take the leap. 

We gathered early in the morning to get our gear and meet our pilots.  I was thrilled to be matched with a badass, female pilot named Anne.  We all loaded into a pickup truck for the trek up the mountain.  A long trek that was incredibly bumpy.

Can you relate to this experience?  You feel like you’re climbing up a mountain in life.  And it takes a really long time with lots of bumps and bruises on the way?  But then eventually you arrive at the top and the view is magnificent!

We even saw some young bucks with new antlers playing on the hillside.  The pilots began laying out the canopies and straightening the lines.  Next, it was time to harness in.  So I step into the device that holds my life in its hands.  The thing that will keep me tethered to the canopy and my pilot. 

Once we’re geared up, Anne explains to me how this whole thing is gonna go down.  She’s going to begin counting backwards…3, 2, 1, go.  Then we’re both going to begin running slowly – keeping our feet on the ground for as long as possible – and our eyes on the horizon.  Because if I look down I might end up flat on my face.  Comforting.

Mind you all this running is happening about 10 feet from the edge of the cliff.  So I’m confused as to how I can keep running upright at 11,000 feet.  But I decide to trust the process.

Just take one step at a time and keep your eyes on the horizon.  Sage advice for anyone who’s reaching for a dream.

Before I could possibly be fully ready, I hear “let’s give it a minute for the wind” (which I don’t feel at all) and then the countdown begins.  Anne’s yelling in my ear, “Keep running, keep running”.  And I’m running toward the edge of the mountain, trying not to acknowledge the reality of the situation, but rather looking out at the horizon.

And the next thing I know, we’re air born.  The running has stopped and instead I’m sitting in a swing of sorts enjoying the ride.

A leap of faith and we’re flying.

But Anne wasn’t done with me yet.  She decided I need to learn how to fly this baby.  She puts the brake cords into my hands so I could steer the dang thing.  It was actually a lot easier than I would have expected – as long as you can keep your arms suspended indefinitely.

Of course, there was one last piece that we hadn’t yet discussed.  How to ace the landing.  I had visions of me tumbling to the ground with Anne landing on top of me, and some limb of mine broken in two.  Thankfully, her 26 years of experience led to a much better plan.  As a result of the winds, rather than landing upright we instead slid in on our behinds.  And gracefully at that!

Here’s the thing…you can choose to stay safely on the ground, in your comfort zone, looking up into the sky and imagining what it would be like to fly.

Or you can find your mountain. Take the sometimes arduous and lengthy path to climb through all your resistances.  Ask for guidance from a trusted advisor.  Gear up for what is sure to be an adventure of a lifetime.  And take that leap of faith to who knows where.

Don’t want to go it alone?  Join me in my new Facebook Group, “Business Women Giving Back”.  There are mountains to climb, adventures to be had, and a new future waiting to be co-created when you get clear on what you have to share and where you’re meant to serve. 

I’ve got all the gear ready.  I just need you and a little bit of courage!

Be bold.  Be daring.  Be AWE-dacious!


scarcity mentality, scarcity, financially independent, financially independent woman

7 Pillars of Women’s Empowerment and Divine Feminine Rising

  • June 30, 2020
  • Lis Williams

Next week, I will travel to Florida for the purpose of taking over my 92-year old mom’s finances. ... Continue Reading

Next week, I will travel to Florida for the purpose of taking over my 92-year old mom’s finances.  Not because she really wants me to or that she’s not capable of continuing to handle them on her own.  But with the realities of Covid-19, it seems the prudent thing to do.

Sadly, while there I won’t be able to be with her face to face.  She lives in a retirement center that is under quarantine, with increased restrictions being implemented as cases in Florida are on the rise.  I’ll get all of her paperwork and then stay in a nearby hotel.

In truth, she could leave her home and stay at my sister’s house where would be able to be together taking precautions by wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.  But even with precautions there are no guarantees, and when she returns to her home she would be in quarantine for 14 days.

There are no easy answers anymore it seems.  We all have to make the best decisions we can with the information we’ve been given.

But, despite the uncertainty, I am hopeful that this time of upheaval and chaos, this collective dark night of the soul, is an opening to vast possibilities we may have only imagined.  One way of life may be over, but a new way of being and doing will be birthed from the turbulence.  And it’s up to us to make that happen.

Women’s voices are needed now more than ever!  Your voice!

The feminine naturally leads not from a place of competition, scarcity, and power over – but rather from a place of cooperation, abundance, and power with.  From a place of love and compassion.  But for centuries our voices have been suppressed and silenced.  No more.  The Divine Feminine is Rising and it’s time to speak our truth!   

As Barbara Marx Hubbard said, “For the first time in thousands of years, women now have the opportunity to give birth to their authentic feminine “Self”, and to actively participate in the workings of the evolutionary process.  The modern and postmodern rise of women into the role of evolutionary agents is an event of the highest significance.”

So how will you answer the call?  What will you do?  Where will you serve?

During the shutdown, I completed my research on Women’s Empowerment and the Divine Feminine.  If you’d like to learn more, here’s a link to a short PowerPoint presentation…

We’re all connected and the social issues that challenge us are inter-connected as well.  When we come together in community to learn, grow, and serve, we strengthen our commitment and increase our impact ensuring that we effect the change we want to see in the world.

It doesn’t matter which pillar you choose to focus on…environmental sustainability, health & well-being, education, economic empowerment, freedom from violence, equality…it all matters!  Choose a pillar and join with others to shift the paradigm from patriarchy and privilege to new systems that support the common good.

Regardless of our race, religion, age, or culture – we are all women.  We are sisters.  We are strong, courageous, and determined.  And together, as Fierce Warrior Goddesses of Light, we will change the world!

Be bold.  Be daring.  Be AWE-dacious!

Answering the Call

  • June 17, 2020
  • Lis Williams

Hmmm.  Where to begin? Let’s begin with Covid-19 and the pause that enveloped the globe.  For the first... Continue Reading

Hmmm.  Where to begin?

Let’s begin with Covid-19 and the pause that enveloped the globe.  For the first time ever, life was put on hold for everyone on the planet so we could protect ourselves, families and friends, and the most vulnerable among us.  We came together for the good of the whole because we saw ourselves at risk.

But while we were all focused on staying healthy, we continued to ignore the viruses that plague our world on an ongoing basis – the “isms”: racism, sexism, genderism, classism, ageism, etc…

What if we were to shut down our planet until we find a cure for the…

  • 3 million children who die of undernourishment each year
  • 12 million girls who are married before the age of 18
  • 40 million victims of human trafficking
  • 130 million girls who are not allowed to go to school
  • 150 million people who are homeless
  • 700 million people who live on less than $2/day
  • 800 million people who struggle with mental health

What if??

But in a world where divisiveness has become the norm, we seem unable to figure out how to shift the conversation to issues that really matter.  We don’t all agree that some things are utterly unacceptable, and that if we worked together we could make an impact.

And then, as the disease that left people “gasping for breath” begins to subside and the world starts opening up, we watch as George Floyd begs for his life with the words we’ll never forget, “I can’t breathe.”

We took to the streets with demonstrations, protests, and acts of violence in hope that the world would finally listen and insist on equality for all.

This past week, I had the opportunity to be part of an on-line conversation hosted by the SINE Network.  There were eight of us participating – four black women and four white.  It lasted 3 ½ hours.  Antoinette Rootsdawtah led us in a conversation that explored the obstacles to white allegiance which are white privilege, fragility, liberalism, and guilt.

We listened as our black sisters spoke of the racism, injustices, and inequalities they and their ancestors have endured for centuries.  And how challenging it can be to have honest conversations with white people who can’t see their own hidden biases.  They weren’t blaming, they were explaining that despite being educated and employed, changing the way they dress and do their hair, still they are not accepted as equals.  And at the end of the conversation, they asked for our support.   

“The world will be saved by the Western woman.”

– The Dalai Lama

When the Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by the Western woman”, he didn’t mean that Western women are somehow superior.  What he meant is that using the qualities of the feminine and the resources of the western world, we collectively have the ability to shift the social systems of privilege to new systems that support the common good.  Paradigm shifts in every sector of society.

That’s where we are sisters.  It’s time!

From June 20th-27th, Unity Earth will be hosting World Unity Week (  AWE Partners is honored to join with many other partners, including The SINE Network, The Shift Network, Pachamama Alliance, Humanity’s Team, and the Source of Synergy Foundation, to foster a genuine movement toward global unity.

The theme for the week is “Answering the Call”.  I have been invited to host an open session where I’ll present my latest research entitled, “Peace Through Empowerment:  7 Pillars of the Divine Feminine Rising”.  I would love for you to join in the conversation and see how you might “Answer the Call” to be part of the solution at this pivotal time on our planet.

Be bold.  Be daring.  Be AWE-dacious!


P.S.  We’ll be live on our podcast, The Broader Edge, today at 5:00 p.m. ET.  You can find us in The Broader Edge Facebook group or on Enlightened World Network.  Today we’ll be talking about how we turn our desires into action to create the world we really want.  If you can’t be with us live be sure to check out my You Tube channel for all of the recordings.


Grow Your Soul

  • May 18, 2020
  • Lis Williams

How are you?  After approximately two months of “shelter at home” (depending on where you are in the... Continue Reading

How are you?  After approximately two months of “shelter at home” (depending on where you are in the world), I would love to know how are you really?

Are you pulling your hair out?  Tired of online learning and Zoom calls?  Longing to spend time with friends and colleagues?  Itching for things to open up so you can get back to some sort of normalcy?

Or are you enjoying the slower pace of life?  Not missing the commute or the hours spent in your car getting from one activity to the next?  Relishing having an excuse to order in to support your local restaurants rather than figuring out yet again what to cook for dinner?

If you’re like me you’ve felt it all at some point.  From calm and peace to anger and frustration all before breakfast.

But I think what I’ve found most revealing about myself during this slowdown is how much I value my freedom.  I’m a bit of a rebel, so I really don’t like being told what I can and cannot do.  It’s why I’ve chosen the path of entrepreneurship over corporate life.

However, I also recognize how important it has been for us to come together as a global community and make choices that benefit the whole rather than doing what we feel like doing at any given moment.

I’ve also found myself asking questions about who wields power, particularly in times of chaos, and can I trust them?  With revelations happening constantly about our so-called “leaders” it’s challenging to know who or what to believe.

How did this whole thing happen and how do we ensure that it never happens again?  Because I really don’t want to sit around, with fingers and toes crossed, hoping someone else is minding the store.

Do we continue to put our faith in those who hold the power and claim to have our best interests at heart?  Or is it time for each of us to acknowledge and take back our own power?  Our AWE-thentic Power?

AWE-thentic Power comes from within.  It’s your birthright.  Your inherent worth.  It’s something that every human being on the planet has a right to embody.  It’s just that most of us have forgotten.

In some cases, our AWE-thentic Power is taken from us.  At other times, we give it away, perhaps unconsciously.

We give it away when we don’t stand up for ourselves.  When we let others treat us poorly.  When we stay quiet in the face of abuse or wrongdoing.

We give it away when we conform to fit in or follow outdated rules so we will be liked.

We give it away when we stay in toxic relationships or situations too long.  Or when we let others decide our life path.

In some circumstances, life is just too overwhelming and we’re too tired or afraid to take back our power.  It just seems easier to give in.

But for those of us who believe we have a choice, it’s time.  Time to take back our power for ourselves and our sisters.  Because when one of us rises we all rise.  When one of us steps up and out we all are lifted.  When one of us shines our light, the darkness recedes.  And when one of us raises our vibration, the vibration of the entire planet rises.

And that’s where we are right now.  At a turning point.  We either keep playing small or we rise together.

We either stay asleep or we wake up to what our soul came here to do.  Stepping outside our comfort zone and into our potential, our purpose, our destiny.

We didn’t just come here to enjoy the scenery – although we should do that as much as possible.  We came here for a reason.

You incarnated into that beautiful body of yours so that your soul could experience its own growth and transformation. And your soul’s purpose is what makes you come alive.

Your soul is the source of your AWE-thentic Power!  Get to know her!

You have the power to co-create your life and to participate in the ongoing evolution of the Universe.  Your dream merges into something bigger than yourself – the greater story you are destined to live.

Here’s something to remember…you’re not given a dream unless you have the capacity to fulfill it.  We’re unlimited in our capacity for impact.  So what are you waiting for?

But how do I hear her, you ask?  How do I know what I came here to do?

Your soul speaks to you through your intuition.  So that gut feeling…listen to it!  That calling that keeps nudging you…listen to it!  That phrase that keeps showing up, that desire that keeps creeping in, that passion that keeps tugging at your heart strings.  Listen to it!!

Women are naturals at this.  Tuning into their gut.  Trusting their instincts.  Possessing a “knowingness” about things.  Listening, feeling, being with emotions.

And this is why we need more women in leadership positions.  Why we need a paradigm shift bringing the feminine into every sector of society.

Not because the masculine energy is bad.  We’re all designed to have both masculine and feminine qualities and attributes.  We’re just out of balance.

It’s time to move from competition to cooperation, achievement to fulfillment, doing to being.  We need more love, creativity, connectedness, receptivity, wisdom, and compassion.  More honesty, vulnerability, and community.

AWE-thentic Power is shared power.  It’s power with – not over.

We need to support each other on the journey.  We need our sisters to be strong and re-claim their voice.  Let’s start affirming each other’s gifts. Encouraging each other’s potential.  Supporting each other’s dreams.

Together we can achieve far more than we can imagine.  Because your soul doesn’t play small.  And neither does the Universe.

You are a partner in the Divine Dance.  So let the dancing begin!

Be bold.  Be daring.  Be AWE-dacious!



Candid Conversations that Envision a New Future

  • April 20, 2020
  • Lis Williams

Are you afraid that life as we know it will never be the same? Or are you excited... Continue Reading

Are you afraid that life as we know it will never be the same?

Or are you excited about the opportunities we now have to take a pause, gain a Broader view, and move forward from a place of love, compassion, inspiration, and empowerment?  

Maybe you’re feeling a bit of both depending on the hour or the day.  Whatever you’re feeling is absolutely perfect.  The key is to feel it fully.

In fact, it seems as if the whole world has been asked to slow down, listen, and really feel into what’s being asked of us individually and collectively.

We have been given an amazing opportunity to re-imagine life on our planet.  To question where we are and where we’re headed.  To effect the changes that until now we have only dreamt of.

We can either be drawn into the energies of uncertainty and fear, or we can transmute them for the benefit of our awakening and the rise of global consciousness.

In the depths of your soul there is a place of peace and calm, an unwavering and steady self, that knows you’ve got this.  No matter what happens next or what changes may be on the horizon, the Source of all that is shines as a light in the darkness and loving shelter in the storm.

If you’re looking for a place to explore the shifts in thoughts, beliefs, and actions we are being invited to consider as we step into the Edge of evolution…I would love for you to join me and my co-hosts, Sheila Cash, Teri Angel, and Mira Rubin, for our new podcast entitled The Broader Edge…Candid Conversations that Envision a New Future.

Our mission is to empower and engage you in shaping our tomorrow because who you are and what you do matters.  

You can find us every other Thursday beginning April 23rd at 5:00 p.m. ET on Facebook at Enlightened World Network.  This link will take you there…  

Don’t wait for things to change…be the change!  See you on the Edge!

Be bold. Be daring. Be AWE-dacious!





Reclaim Your Voice and Speak Your Truth

  • February 25, 2020
  • Lis Williams

Last week I had an experience that shook me, angered me, and inspired me to write this blog. ... Continue Reading

Last week I had an experience that shook me, angered me, and inspired me to write this blog.  As much as I really didn’t want to share something so personal and knew it might invite criticism, I felt I had to.  Because if we stay quiet nothing changes.

Spoiler Alert…This is not a blog about breast cancer or the pros and cons of mammograms.  But that’s where it begins.

For a number of years, I received annual mammograms as women are encouraged to do.  And I didn’t have a problem with them – despite the discomfort.  In fact, I’m so grateful that for the most part in the U.S. we have access to the latest medical technology.

But as I became more knowledgeable about alternative and holistic medicine, I chose to forego mammograms and instead began using thermography.  Once again, I’m not here to talk about the pros and cons and I know many of you will vehemently disagree with my decision.  That’s fine.

We don’t have to agree to respect each other.  But please hear me out.

So a recent thermography appointment revealed a spot on one of my breasts.  There was no concern associated with it and I was told to return in a year.  However, in speaking with my holistic practitioner about this he suggested exploring the option of having an ultrasound rather than a mammogram just to double check.

So I reached out to an imaging center, explained that I did not want to have a mammogram, and inquired as to whether I could have an ultrasound instead.  They said yes and made the appointment.

When I arrived, the technician escorted me into a room with a mammography machine.  I politely told her I was here for an ultrasound and she said she needed to ask me some questions.  She then told me that their protocol is to do a mammogram first and then decide if an ultrasound is warranted.  I replied that I did not want to have the mammogram.  “So you’re refusing the mammogram?” she asked.  “Yes,” I responded.

The technician then left to speak with the doctor.  When she returned, she told me they had decided to go ahead with the ultrasound, but that they couldn’t issue a complete report without the mammogram.  I was fine with that.

But something had shifted since I first arrived.  No longer was there a sense of caring in her voice.  Instead, a wall went up.

I was now viewed as a trouble-maker.  I wasn’t playing by their rules.  And they didn’t like it.

Now I can understand that they might be concerned from a liability standpoint.  But I was more than happy to release them from any liability if they had requested it.

In any event, I’m taken to the ultrasound room where an equally cold female technician performs the exam barely speaking to me throughout.  She then says she’ll be back, but I need to stay on the table as the doctor will want to perform the exam as well.

Now I’m starting to get a little nervous.  Because anytime I’ve had an ultrasound in the past the doctor has not needed to come in and perform the exam again.  So I’m starting to think something’s wrong.  And if you’ve ever had a diagnostic test of any kind for what might potentially be a serious disease, you can relate to the fear in wondering if everything’s alright.

A few minutes later a male doctor walks in and introduces himself.  He then proceeds to use his hand to perform a breast exam.  He doesn’t ask permission.  He doesn’t explain what he’s doing or why.  He just helps himself while the female technician looks on.  When he finishes, he proceeds to do the same ultrasound exam.

Once he’s finished, and while I’m still lying on the table, he launches into a lecture based on his 25 years of experience about why my decision to use thermography and refuse a mammogram is ill-informed.  This despite the fact that he can find nothing wrong from the exam.  (Thank-you, God!)

I said nothing as he spoke waiting for the nightmare to come to an end.  Frankly, I’ve come to expect this type of reaction from the medical community.

But once I was in a vertical position and fully clothed the anger started to build…

What right did he have to touch my breast without asking me?

What right do they have to treat me like I’m an idiot?

Why am I not allowed to make decisions that affect MY body, My health, MY life?

And why didn’t I speak up during the exam?

Why?  Because I was scared.  I was afraid that something was wrong and I just wanted to know what was happening.  His unprofessional and uncaring behavior was secondary to me at that moment.

And the fact that I was lying in a horizontal position, half-clothed, as he stood over me made it more difficult for me to “stand” in my power.

How often does this happen to women?  We’re “put in our place” by an authority figure.  We’re made to question our intelligence, convictions, and rights because we want to do things differently.  And even worse, while other women stand by and watch it happen.

What will it take for each and every one of us to take back our inherent AWE-thentic Power? 

To find our voice again and speak up for what we know is Our Truth?

To trust our gut, our intuition, even when nobody else agrees with us?

From the bedroom to the board room, from hospitals to universities, from Washington to London to Baghdad, it’s time!

It’s time sisters to re-claim Our Voice and begin using it to speak Our Truth while encouraging others to speak theirs.  For our own evolution and the evolution of our planet.

To become heroines of our own lives and support women around the globe in becoming heroines of their own.

The feminine is rising and it’s time.  Time for the feminine and masculine to come back into balance for the sake of our families, our communities, and our world.  Let’s do this together!!

Be bold.  Be daring.  Be AWE-dacious!


P.S.  Want support to find your voice and speak your truth while making your unique impact in the world?  My on-line course Impact from the Inside Out was designed for women just like you.  Learn more here…