“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” – Brene Brown , The Gifts of Imperfection
In her book, Inner Compass, Margaret Silf says that “the broken spots in our souls are the very places God wants most to meet us. He longs for us to see our need for Him.”
Let’s explore where and why we can get stuck in our brokenness.
The most obvious ways we’re stuck are external.
We might be stuck in a dead-end job. Or we might feel stuck in a difficult marriage. We might be stuck at home with whiny, snot-nosed children or caring for elderly parents.
Whatever your circumstances, these places where you’re stuck are real, and it may be time to figure out just how to make the situation you are in better.
We’re going to have to face the truth.
Another way to explore our stuck places is to look inside ourselves.
We can get stuck in sin. Sin is not a topic we like to talk about. It can feel icky. Depending on how we were raised, it can even make us feel really badly about ourselves. So we prefer not to go there.
But in order to get unstuck, we’re going to have to face the truth. We are all sinners, but that doesn’t make us unlovable. We may struggle with feelings of jealousy or pride. We may find that we’re judgmental or prone to gossip. We may have a tendency to lie or cheat or steal.
No matter where we struggle, God is there waiting to forgive us.
And just when you thought you’d covered it all–there’s one other place where you might find yourself stuck–and that is in your woundedness.
Some of us grew up under really difficult circumstances. And the wounds we carry are gaping holes in our hearts that we think will never heal.
Others of us have not faced traumatic experiences, and yet, just growing up and making our way in the world can leave us wounded and battle scarred.
Making our way in the world can leave us battle scarred.
Our wounds can show up as guilt, shame or resentment. They may manifest themselves through anger or even rage. They can be seen in our fear, worry, anxiety and depression.
It’s really difficult to face the pain of our woundedness. So we push it down, bury it, focus on more positive things.
But we can only run for so long. At some point in our lives, usually by mid-life if not before, things begin to surface and we realize that we just can’t fake it anymore.
But here’s the good news. It’s o.k. It’s all o.k. You don’t have to hide anymore. You don’t have to pretend. God doesn’t want you to live in bondage any longer.
Despite your sins and wounds, you are good and you are loved. Unconditionally.
God is your healer. God is your Savior.
You are brave!
The journey that you’re embarking on can be scary and takes great courage. But you are brave! And you are not alone. God is walking right by your side.
And the AWE Community is right here with you. To encourage, inspire, and empower you to heal yourself and heal the world.
When you’re tempted to turn around and go back to your old ways–don’t!
Just keep moving forward one step at a time. I promise you–it will be worth it!
God is just waiting to shower your life with peace, joy and abundance.
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