Women and girls are half of the world’s population and yet in 2022 we are still overlooked and undervalued in most parts of the world.
And despite attempts to direct funding to organizations that serve women and girls, support is surprisingly deficient when compared with philanthropic giving as a whole.
With the knowledge that making investments in women and girls promotes a ripple effect of change throughout families, communities, and even entire countries – why aren’t more of us supporting causes that lift up women and girls? And what can we do to change that?
We can start by coming together to identify and support real Soul-utions. And that’s why we’ve created a powerful new global conference bringing together a diverse and visionary collective of women leaders who are radically transforming the lives of women and children and compassionately healing humanity and our planet!
You are invited to attend:
Creatrix Convergence 2022 
Re-Power Yourself, Your Sisters, Your World!
Live Global Conference from July 11-15, 2022
There is terrific work being done on the ground to address the issues that keep women and children disempowered. But is it enough? Are we moving women from a life of suppression and oppression quickly enough and at scale? What might we be missing?
Can we really make an impact on the re-powerment of women and girls if we’re living under the old constructs and beliefs of a patriarchal, hierarchical society? Constructs and beliefs around culture, religion, politics, business, education, and healthcare that we have accepted as truth. Until now.
All of the upheaval on the planet is shifting the way we look at women and men, the roles we play, the privileges we have, where the power is held, and ultimately the imbalance that is prevalent in all sectors.
Women’s voices are needed now more than ever! Your voice!
The feminine naturally leads not from a place of competition, scarcity, and power over – but rather from a place of cooperation, abundance, and power within. From a place of love and compassion. But for thousands of years our voices have been suppressed and silenced. No more!
It’s time to shout a collective “No More”
- No more to destroying our planet
- No more to healthcare that doesn’t respect our knowing of what we need to thrive
- No more to education systems that don’t permit girls to go to school
- No more to economic systems that put greed above the common good
- No more to cultural systems that permit violence against women and children
- No more to political systems that believe leaders must be men
- No more to religious systems that fail to recognize our inherent sovereignty
We’re all connected and the social issues that challenge us are inter-connected as well. When we come together in community to learn, grow, and serve, we strengthen our commitment and increase our impact ensuring that we effect the change we want to see in the world.
Regardless of our race, religion, age, or culture – we are all women. We are sisters. We are strong, courageous, and determined. And together we will co-create a better world!
You can attend Creatrix Convergence 2022 completely FREE.
I can’t wait to see you there!
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!