I love the start of a fresh, new year. Particularly when the last one – or last three! – have been challenging.

If you’re like me, when you reflect on the past few years you’re uplifted by the many joyful moments when you felt yourself rise above the chaos. But you’ve also been invited, or perhaps required, to engage in self-healing, overcome hurdles, and step outside your comfort zone.

It can be exhausting and wreak havoc on your body, mind, and spirit. Trust me, I know.



As a result, many of us have taken the opportunity presented by the lock-downs, slow-downs, and smack-downs to go within and do some deep excavation. Ask the hard questions. Re-evaluate EVERYTHING!

And if we’ve gotten still enough to hear the inner whispers of our Soul, we might be contemplating – or even implementing – significant changes in our life.

That’s where I am.

For the past two years, I’ve been hearing the call to take some life-altering, soul-transforming steps leading me on a new path forward.

To add fuel to the fire, the timing coincides with life changes for my entire family. My youngest son is graduating from college this year. My oldest son is moving from the Midwest to the left coast. My husband is retiring. We are selling our home of 17 years in the suburbs of Chicago and moving to the mountains of the Carolinas.

And because that’s not enough upheaval for one woman, I’ve decided it’s time to close my on-line business of eight years, AWE Partners, to explore a Higher Calling and Sacred Mission that has been nudging me for quite some time. I just kept putting it off.

If you’ve been reading my emails over the past six months – which, by the way, an unusually high number of you do so thank-you! – you can probably see the direction I’m headed.

AWE Partners was founded on the desire to teach women how to give, shop, and invest effectively to support causes that are near and dear to their heart. And in the past eight years I’ve provided impact coaching, hosted webinars, created an on-line course, wrote a book, participated in numerous online events, and co-hosted an AWE-mazing summit this past year, Creatrix Convergence 2022.

Yet, despite sharing all of this heart-inspired content it has come to my awareness that there’s something more profound asking to be birthed. It’s not coming from my head or my heart. It’s coming from my Soul.

And I’m not alone in sensing this stirring. You feel it too, don’t you?

There’s something BIG happening on the planet and we’re being invited to step up and into it NOW!

While doing research around my passion – supporting women and girls – I’ve discovered that we can continue to address our most pressing issues in the same way we have but it’s not going to move the needle…

 Health & Wellness

• Education

• Economic Empowerment

• Equality & Leadership

• Freedom from Violence

It all matters. But it’s not enough.

What I now know is that I have to immerse myself in Pillars #1 and #7 of my 7 Pillars of Re-Powerment:

• Re-Connecting to Mother Earth

• Re-Storing the Sacred

I don’t yet know exactly what this will look like or where it will lead. What I do know is I have to step back from running a business so I can dive deeper into the research and writing that will bring clarity of vision for my path forward.

Here’s what I know for sure. You’ll hear from me less often – perhaps once a month. And the topics will include the themes I’m most passionate about at this time:

• Rise of the Divine Feminine

• Sophia Christ Consciousness

• Energy & Frequency

• 7 Pillars of Re-Powerment for Women & Girls

• Co-Creating a New Earth and New Future for All

If this resonates and you’d like to continue to join me on this journey, I welcome your company. Please always feel free to reply to my emails, share your thoughts, and let me know how I might be able to serve you in the future.

If this does not resonate, I ask you to please unsubscribe.

What? Why would I say that??

Because it is SO important that we each become laser focused on our Sacred Mission and stop being inundated by information that no longer serves – even if the information is good and from a trusted source. I have unsubscribed from numerous email lists and backed off on social media significantly in the past few months.

Although we all can benefit from guides and a supportive sisterhood, here’s the truth… You are the Guru! You are the Goddess! You don’t need to look outside for the answers. You know! It’s already within you. You just need to be still and listen deeply for what you’ve always known but forgot.

It’s time to Re-member, SiStar!

It is an honor and privilege to share this journey with you. I look forward to our continued growth and transformation in community – and to the New Future we will co-create in Unity and Peace.

Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-DACIOUS!