Where are the Women?
A mother’s grief. Is there any more powerful emotion on the planet? I can think of only one. A... Continue ReadingA mother’s grief. Is there any more powerful emotion on the planet? I can think of only one.
A mother’s love.
We haven’t all birthed or mothered children. But we all are born of a mother.
And most of us have felt the deep love and nurturing that our mother provided. We know how she cared for us and worried about us and wanted only our safety and happiness.
We’ve known mothers who have lost children and we’ve seen how the pain never goes away. The hole in their heart cannot possibly be filled. A missing piece that can never be replaced.
Perhaps you’ve seen the heart-wrenching video on social media of a woman whose son was killed at the musical festival in Israel. When she learned that her son’s name had been painted on a missile to be used in the war she couldn’t imagine another mother suffering as she has. Instead, she is choosing love over revenge.
No mother should have to send her child to war – hoping and praying they return unharmed. For no one can go to war and, even if they do return, be untouched by what they experienced. They are forever haunted by the images. Forever changed, hardened even, by these crimes against humanity.
The past few months have crystalized the urgent need for women to come together and raise our individual and collective voice to end the perpetual pattern of war and violence which has caused so much pain and suffering over many centuries. Women are one half of humanity and yet our voices are not heard sufficiently to end this insanity.
Must we remain enslaved to this devastating pattern? No!
In this challenging, yet auspicious, time many are asking, “Where are the women?” They’re right here!
We invite you to join us for an important panel discussion entitled Women in Service to Love and Life.
You’ll meet 11 women who are whole-heartedly engaged in sacred activism so Love and Life triumph over fear, hatred, and despair.
This inspiring, hopeful, and profound conversation includes mothers and grandmothers, authors and musicians, peace activists, Indigenous wisdom keepers, and spiritual teachers. All share the Sacred Mission of ushering in the Divine Feminine and raising the consciousness of humanity to midwife a New Earth based in Peace, Love and Harmony.
Join us Wednesday, December 13th at 3:00 PM ET/8:00 PM GMT/6:00 AM AEDT live on Unity.Earth/TV for this free event.
No need to register – just click this link to join…Unity.Earth/TV
It’s time for the Voice of Women to be heard and heeded!
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

Evolutionary Messages of Peace from around the World
Peace Week is in full swing and what an event it has been. I just wrapped up two... Continue ReadingPeace Week is in full swing and what an event it has been. I just wrapped up two panels yesterday that were so inspiring and engaging. I hope you’ve been able to join us!
But we’re not through yet. Peace Week continues through September 23rd and you can find all the presentations here…www.peaceweek.org
Anne Baring and I have had an incredible experience convening a total of four gatherings during the 99 Days of Peace through Unity. We’ve met so many amazing individuals who have dedicated their lives to bringing forth Peace on Earth. So where do we go from here?
On Friday, September 22nd, at 12:30 pm ET, my dear friend and colleague, Sheila Cash, will host our Co-Creation Circle of Peace. In addition to myself and Anne, we will be joined by a panel of peace organizers, advocates and boosters doing valuable work around the world on behalf of humanity. Anne will pass on messages from realms beyond of evolutionary consciousness and purpose that have been the foundation of her life’s work. Panel speakers include: Steve Gardiner, Heather Elizabeth Neary, Sarida Brown, Janice Dolley, Teri Miller & Marbeth Dunn, Paolo Morley-Fletcher and Rev. Laura George.
Be inspired by the kaleidoscope of efforts for peace happening now!
To join the live call please register here to receive the zoom link…
Or you can watch the event live on FB or Unity Earth TV…
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

Peace Week 2023
Peace Week 2023 is days away! The flurry and activity that is unfolding is staggering. Events from Time Square... Continue ReadingPeace Week 2023 is days away! The flurry and activity that is unfolding is staggering. Events from Time Square to Tokyo, Ecuador to Egypt are deep in preparations, each one of these celebrations is epic and profound in its own way. Taken together, as a whole, the orchestration is nothing less than stupendous.
Peace Week (https://peaceweek.org) is a worldwide collaboration, a celebration, a convergence with a global broadcast. Featuring deep ceremonies, multiple film premiers, book launches, extraordinary panel discussions, studio broadcasts and amazing musicians and artists from around the World, Peace Week 2023 is sure to take us to a place we’ve never been before.
And we are thrilled to be participating!
During the 99 Days of Peace, Anne Baring and I have hosted three gatherings spotlighting women-led peace initiatives through discussions with our circle leaders and participants.
Now we’re so excited to host an inspiring conversation with my dear friends and teachers from Mary Magdalene’s School in Vezelay, France, where I spent a week on retreat this past July.
In 2020, Anna Vanickova and Petra Brussen were called by Mary Magdalene and Jeshua into a channel of spiritual consciousness, which they began to discover over a period of 3-5 years through intense daily spiritual work. Guidance form the light realms opened innumerable fields of cosmic consciousness, Libraries of Light that have been inaccessible to humanity since the Fall of Consciousness. Teachings shared through this channel are living knowledge which awaken layers of soul memory through codes, resonance, remembrance and unity consciousness. They are deeply supportive to humanity as tools to anchor in the higher, New Earth Consciousness.
On Wednesday, September 20th, at 11:00 am ET, we invite you to learn more about the Consciousness of Peace. This is a far cry from the consciousness we have been living in for thousands of years. A destructive consciousness that has programmed us through fear and manipulation. But no longer.
A great healing is occurring on the planet. A healing that leads to inner and outer peace, love, and harmony. Join us to discover the tools and practices available that support the process of Awakening and Co-Creation of the New Earth.
Follow this link to learn more…
No need to register in advance. Just use this zoom link or watch live on Unity Earth TV on Wednesday, June 20th, at 11:00 am ET…
Join us in Room One – http://zoom.us/j/6060001111
Watch it Live on UNITY EARTH TV – https://unity.earth/tv/
Peace is possible! And it all begins with you!
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

Co-Creation Circle for Peace
When Anne Baring and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on... Continue ReadingWhen Anne Baring and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on the planet, we knew it would not be an easy task. But we felt compelled to say “Yes” and trust the guidance we were receiving from the Higher Realms.
Since that time, Anne has published her mother’s channeled messages that she began receiving in 1943 during World War II, and which continued for 25 years. They repeatedly warned of a catastrophe if humanity did not change course and if men did not desist from further interference with nature and the creation of ever more deadly weapons, including nuclear and biological weapons. The book is available on Amazon and titled, Messages from a Transcendent Dimension.
What began as an attempt to try to awaken the hearts of mothers and grandmothers to put an end to this “barbarous sacrificial ritual” by saying “This Stops Now” has expanded to include all of humanity, for we need everyone to come together if we hope to succeed.
This is a movement that impacts all of us. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your race, culture, religion, politics – war and violence deeply affect you.
You have a vested interest in and an inherent right to enjoy a life that is free from suffering!
As the Divine Feminine Rises on the planet, we recognize the power in forming collaborations with others who are awakened and committed to co-creating a New Future for all.
That’s why we have scheduled a total of 4 gatherings during the 99 Days of Peace. Our first was held in June and included presentations from women leading the way toward New Earth including Anneloes Smitsman, Heather Elizabeth Neary, Teri Angel, MarBeth Dunn, Laura George, and Sheila Cash. If you missed the event here’s a link to the recording…
Passcode: Kc@0JZ#W
Our next gathering is Monday, July 31st, at 10:00 am CDT/4:00 pm BST. Here’s the Zoom link…
Our guest speakers include Sommer Joy Ramer from the SINE Network, Irina Morrison from Unity Earth, and Steve Gardiner presenting the Peace Mantra. We’ll have plenty of time for audience participation and receive updates from our circle leaders.
We invite you to join this powerful movement whose time has come:
A Woman-Led Movement to end all war and violence on the planet and establish Peace on Earth.
It’s a great opportunity to discover how you can begin right now, during this most AWE-spicious time on the planet, to be part of the Soul-ution. Please join us and invite others!
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

The Accidental Peace Activist
When Anne and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on the... Continue ReadingWhen Anne and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on the planet, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. We just knew we had to say “Yes”, and trust the guidance we were receiving from the Higher Realms.
We also knew that we would not be in this alone. For as the Divine Feminine Rises on the planet, we recognize the power in forming collaborations with others who are awakened and committed to co-creating a New Future for all.
One of those individuals is our dear friend and colleague, Anneloes Smitsman. Anneloes is the genius behind and architect of the beautiful EARTHwise Pledges for a Planetary Civilization, which are based on her EARTHwise Constitution and help to create, align, and upshift our missions and actions so we can collaboratively take on the greatest challenges of our time. Think of them as a roadmap guiding us on the path, and freely available for us all to work with and adjust to our unique contexts.
Anneloes will be sharing more about these remarkable tools during our live gathering this Wednesday, June 28th, at 11:00 EDT/4:00 BST. Please join us here…
In addition, Anne and I will share more about our Urgent Call to All Humanity: War and Violence Stops Now! And we’ll be inviting other women who are leading peace initiatives to share their missions.
It’s a great opportunity to discover how you can begin right now, during this most AWE-spicious time on the planet, to be part of the Soul-ution to ending all war and violence and restoring Peace on Earth.
Please join us!
With Love,
Lis & Anne
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

Join the Urgent Call to All Humanity
This is an invitation for all humanity to create a powerful movement whose time has come: a Woman-led Movement... Continue ReadingThis is an invitation for all humanity to create a powerful movement whose time has come: a Woman-led Movement to end all war and violence on the planet and establish Peace on Earth.
Last year, Anne Baring and I had a heartfelt conversation about the insanity that is escalating around the world and Anne’s belief that if the mothers of the world would just say, “No More”, we could end war forever.
Since that time, Anne felt impelled to publish her mother’s channeled messages that she began receiving in 1943 during World War II, and which continued for 25 years. They repeatedly warned of a catastrophe if humanity did not change course and if men did not desist from further interference with nature and the creation of ever more deadly weapons, including nuclear and biological weapons.
Given the dire circumstances we are facing as a species, we decided that we must act on our intuitive guidance to do something now, knowing that to end the deeply imprinted pattern of war and violence would not be an easy task.
What began as an initiative to try to awaken the hearts of mothers and grandmothers to put an end to this “barbarous sacrificial ritual” has now expanded to include all of humanity, for we need everyone to come together if we hope to succeed.
This is a movement that impacts all of us. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your race, culture, religion, politics – war and violence deeply affect you.
You have a vested interest in and an inherent right to enjoy a life that is free from suffering!
If this message resonates with you…
* Join us for a live Zoom call, Wednesday, June 28th, at 11:00 am EDT/4:00 pm BST, where we will share more about this movement and how you can take action right now to establish Peace On Earth. Here’s the link…
*Sign up for our Mighty Network to stay up to date on the latest happenings and connect with others who support our mission…
Let’s come together in Unity to Co-Create a New Future for All!
Elisabeth Williams & Anne Baring
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

Urgent Call to Mothers and Grandmothers
I met Anne Baring about a year ago when Sheila Cash and I co-hosted our Creatrix Convergence on-line summit. Anne... Continue ReadingI met Anne Baring about a year ago when Sheila Cash and I co-hosted our Creatrix Convergence on-line summit. Anne was one of an amazing line-up of women. As we were preparing for her interview, Anne and I had a number of conversations around topics about which we both felt passionately.
This past March, I picked up Anne’s book, The Dream of the Cosmos, and began reading where I had left off – chapter 13 (note that 13 is the number of the Goddess) – titled “War as a Rape of the Soul”.
If you’ve read any of Anne’s books, you know how compelling they are – and I was drawn in by her description of the addiction to war on the planet, the military industrial complex, and the urgent need to address the insanity.
Reading these chapters reminded me of a conversation Anne and I had. She shared that it is her belief that if the mothers of the world would just say “no more” to war – we could end it once and for all. I was so moved by the thought of this actually happening that I reached out to her to inquire as to whether she was aware of any such attempts being made.
Anne responded right away. She told me she thinks about this night and day because she believes it is the only way to break the compulsion to endlessly repeat the pattern of war. But to do so women and men would have to challenge their unconscious obedience to the call of war. She also told me about her mother’s channeled messages that she was in the process of publishing which warn of the dangers of war, and she noted the synchronistic timing of my inquiry.
We agreed that it is time to embark on an initiative to try to awaken the hearts of women to put an end to this “barbarous sacrificial ritual” as she calls it. And it must be shared with as many women as possible. So together, with Dr. Scilla Elworthy, we drafted the “Urgent Call to Mothers and Grandmothers”, which I’ll share in an upcoming email.
It was only later that I realized I had reached out to Anne on March 19th – Mother’s Day in the UK – where she resides. This was the first in a series of synchronicities that have assured us we are being guided to initiate this movement at this time.
As I think about my experience of war and that of most of my peers – we know very little of the horrors. Other than what we see on our news threads – the realities seem very far away. Yet it occurs to me that in truth the war isn’t just happening in Ukraine, or Sudan, or the Middle East.
We’ve all been indoctrinated into a culture of violence that seeps in through our phones, computers, and TV’s. Our children ingest it to the point of becoming de-sensitized through endless hours spent staring at a screen or playing video games. It is in our schools, our workplaces, and our communities. And because the ramifications are so devastating – we either ignore them – or numb ourselves by overeating, drinking alcohol, shopping, or watching Netflix.
The war I’m referring to is the war for the hearts and minds of our children and grandchildren. The war for our very souls.
It’s a war that is intensifying through increased violence in our cities, censorship in media, unchecked development of technology; in the breakdown of the foundational systems that used to provide us security including education, healthcare, government, and religion; and in the degradation of the ground we walk on, the air we breathe, the food and water we consume – not to mention all non-human forms of life – and our precious Mother Gaia.
I was recently on a Zoom call with a dear Soul Sister whose son is graduating from high school. She was telling me about the montage she was creating including photos of his upbringing. She was saddened as she noticed that the joyful smiles of his youth were replaced by a more somber countenance as he moved into his teen years. She said she felt like she had given him away to the world. Can you relate to this?
I do! Having raised two boys, who are now in their twenties, I lived the challenges of attempting to raise decent human beings in a world that seems determined to ensure it doesn’t happen. And both she and I had the time and resources to dedicate to parenting. Imagine how many parents around the globe struggle just to survive, much less provide the support and guidance their children need to thrive.
As proof that we are not imagining the consequences, the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, released an advisory this past week warning of the impacts of social media on young people saying…”Nearly every teenager in America uses social media, and yet, we do not have enough evidence to conclude that it is sufficiently safe for them, especially at such a vulnerable stage of brain, emotional, and social development. Much of the evidence we do have indicates that there is enough reason to be deeply concerned about the risk of harm social media poses.” Murthy added that “children have become unknowing participants in a decades-long experiment.”
Unknown participants in a decades-long experiment! Our children are guinea pigs!!
So why have we allowed this to happen? Why have we given over our parenting responsibilities to individuals who seem hell bent on doing everything they can to subvert our role and indoctrinate our children into a culture that has little to no understanding of the Sacredness of life? Why is the culture of violence and war still so prevalent?
“If there ever comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never known.” – Matthew Arnold
If you’d like to learn more and be part of the conversation, join Anne and myself along with Jude Currivan, Anneloes Smitsman, and David Lorimer on Monday, May 29th, at 8:00 PDT/4:00 BST on Humanity Rising hosted by Jim Garrison. You can register here…
Women’s voices are needed now more than ever. Your voice!
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

Re-Imagine Sacred Impact
As we move forward to address the myriad issues presenting themselves at this time, what if as the... Continue ReadingJust when you thought we couldn’t handle anymore intensity, this past week saw the battle around Roe v. Wade take center stage in the U.S. As a result, half of our country has erupted into a state of anger, grief, and disbelief. While the other half is rejoicing.
As in the past, the two sides have gone to their respective corners to plot how to respond to what is seen as injustice on both sides. The wound is re-opened. The blaming ensues. The divide widens.
Those who would wish for women to carry on under the illusion of separation have achieved their goal. For if we remain divided, then we shall not rise. And this is a victory for some.
We live in a world of division. Where our greatest challenges are viewed as black or white – not gray. You’re either with us or against us – can’t be both. You’re on the left or on the right – not the middle.
The dualistic consciousness that pervades our society can only see the “either/or” approach. It refuses to believe in the possibility of “both/and”.
But women, in particular, have the innate ability to see another way forward
– a “Third Way”
Richard Rohr describes this as, “…the place of grace out of which genuine newness can come. This is where creativity and new forms of life and healing emerge.”
As we move forward to address the myriad issues presenting themselves at this time, what if as the changemakers, wayshowers, and lightworkers that we are – we consciously and intentionally choose a new path forward. One that stops judging and pointing fingers, and instead chooses to listen from the heart.
What if we were to listen to a sister whose views appear to be radically different than our own? Listen to her story, how she grew up, what challenges she faced, what led her to the decisions she has made and the beliefs she clings to so tightly.
What if we were to put ourselves in another’s heels? Imagine what life might be like if we didn’t have the resources we do, the education we’ve received, the support system of our family and friends.
How might that change us? Might we soften a bit? Might we stop demonizing a sister who thinks differently but cares as deeply as we do?
Might we begin to ask ourselves how to stop fighting each other and truly begin to work together for the good of ALL women and ALL children? To look at the reasons a woman feels so vehemently that the right to an abortion is a human right.
Perhaps it’s because we haven’t adequately addressed the culture of violence we have created. One that still permits – and no one is marching in the streets or protesting to end…
- Rape
- Incest
- Pornography
- Domestic Violence
- Human Trafficking
- Child Marriage
- Female Genital Mutilation
Instead, we focus on one issue – and one issue only. We manipulate it. We politicize it. And when the dust settles, we go back to our separate lives with a warped sense of accomplishment.
Anyone else had enough of this? If so, I invite you to join myself and many other Soul SiStars who are committed to midwifing a new path forward. A “third way” that sees the inherent worth and dignity of each and every woman, and the creative and life-giving power of each and every womb.
Let’s Re-Imagine this “third way” together. Let’s Re-Imagine the world we’re stewarding. Let’s Re-Imagine our Sacred Impact and co-create Soul-utions that are life-affirming for all humanity and our beautiful Mother Earth.

What will it take for Women to Come Together to End Oppression and Patriarchy?
Our February Film Festival concludes this Wednesday, February 24th @ 7:00 p.m. CST. Our screening this week is... Continue ReadingOur February Film Festival concludes this Wednesday, February 24th @ 7:00 p.m. CST. Our screening this week is “Rising Power: Building an intersectional justice movement in the United States.”
In an increasingly polarized and racially segregated United States, we see the impact of patriarchy through the eyes of Black and Southeast Asian activists living in Madison, Wisconsin. Against a backdrop of anti-Blackness, violence against women, and increasing social and political polarization, we meet M Adams and Kabzuag Vaj, community organizers and co-directors of Freedom, Inc.
What began as a sexual assault support group has grown into a community organization at the forefront of battles over education reform, police brutality, land access and ownership, women’s safety and security, and mental health. In this Fundamental episode, Kabzuag says “Freedom, Inc. exists because there were no organizations serving women like me.”
With Freedom, Inc. Kabzuag and M have cultivated a movement that invites women of color—in particular, Black, Hmong, and Khmer women, girls, queer, and trans people—to tie their own rights to one another. Freedom, Inc. works to equip the communities they serve with the tools and resources they need to uproot our broken system and ultimately build a roadmap toward shared liberation.
Most Americans say it’s now more common for people to express racist or racially insensitive views. Additionally, 2019 saw the most deaths of transgender or gender non-conforming people in the U.S. due to fatal violence, the majority of whom were Black transgender women.
In this Fundamental episode, we learn about grassroots movements led by women and gender non-conforming people of color who confront oppression and patriarchy in the U.S. It highlights the ways people from different backgrounds experience discrimination and focuses our attention on the importance of not placing issues in silos, but instead recognizing how systems of oppression intersect and overlap.
Movements addressing one form of oppression must take others into account. For example, efforts to fight racism must include addressing homophobia, classism, and anti-Semitism, and work to eliminate gender disparities must acknowledge how women of color experience inequality and prejudice differently from white women.
INTERSECTIONALITY: The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage. The term “intersectionality” was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a civil rights activist and legal scholar.
Nothing changes if we don’t talk about it.
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!

How do we prevent children from having children?
How many of you think it’s a good thing that girls as young as 10 years old are... Continue ReadingHow many of you think it’s a good thing that girls as young as 10 years old are getting pregnant? I think I know the answer.
Our February Film Festival continues with “Girls at the Heart of It: Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Kenya.”
In Kenya, anti-rights movements are blocking access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for girls and young people—a critical barrier to girls and young women realizing their full potential.
In this episode, we meet Purity Kagwiria, Executive Director of Akili Dada, an organization that provides education and leadership training to high school- and college-aged girls and young women. We also meet Mary Adhiambo, a young leader and sexual assault survivor in her early twenties who is taking her new organizing skills to the streets, and Mary Anyango, a high school student who is sharing what she’s learned about sexuality and leadership in her own community.
Across Kenya, young people and especially teenage girls are denied CSE and access to sexual and reproductive health and rights. According to a 2017 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) report, more than 390,000 10- to 19-year-olds became pregnant in Kenya between July 2016 and June 2017.
Patriarchy and religious and social conservatism are exacerbating the issue: teenage pregnancy is high, along with maternal mortality rates and rates of unsafe abortion. Pregnancy—often a result of a lack of comprehensive sexuality education—is one of the main reasons that girls drop out of school. For girls in Kenya, misinformation on sexuality and gender is coming from many different places: religious leaders, individuals with deep cultural and traditional beliefs, media and news sources, social media, or teachers without the skills or training to develop CSE.
But teenage girls and young women in Kenya are change-makers and leaders. Many of them are advocating for comprehensive sexuality education, educating their peers on their bodies and rights, and working for laws and policies that advance sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is about more than just reproductive health, pregnancy, and sex. A truly comprehensive sexuality education program includes positive, scientific, and nonjudgmental information about so much more, including gender roles and power relations, bodily autonomy, consent, and gender identity (among other important topics).
CSE is an incredibly effective tool to empower girls. A 2019 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) report outlines why comprehensive sexuality education is crucial: it leads to improved health; contributes to gender equality; enables young women to understand basic facts about their bodies; encourages young people to think about families and social relationships, and recognize inappropriate behavior; and helps prepare women for healthy, consensual, and pleasurable relationships.
However, CSE is rare, and even basic information about sexual health can be lacking in many places. For example, 48% of girls in the Islamic Republic of Iran believe menstruation is a disease. Likewise, 51% of girls in Afghanistan and 82% in Malawi were unaware of menstruation before they first experienced it.
In the United States, CSE programming varies widely across the country. Currently, just 29 states in the U.S. and the District of Columbia mandate sexuality education, and 39 states mandate HIV education. Although almost every state has some guidance on how and when sexuality education should be taught, decisions are often left up to individual school districts.
Nothing changes if we don’t talk about it. Join us!
Be bold. Be Daring. Be AWE-dacious!